The Air Force and Northrop Grumman have a new deal in place. They're calling it a public-private partnership, and it will enable Northrop Grumman to provide the Air Force with sustainment of future weapon systems. Air Force officials say they hope the deal will improve efficiency, both in negotiations and in implementing future projects. Dr. Chris Jones, the president of Northrop Grumman Technical Services, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more on the partnership and how it works.
The Veterans Affairs secretary has picked a White House veteran to be his new chief of staff, replacing Joe Riojas. Riojas has been with VA since 2009 and is leaving government.
The United States could find itself in military conflicts in three regions: Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The "Index of U.S. Military Strength" from the Heritage Foundation says the U.S. military is only well-equipped enough to protect American military interests in Europe. Dakota Wood is senior research fellow of defense programs at the Heritage Foundation, and editor of the Index of Military Strength. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained that and other findings from the Index.
The Defense Contract Audit Agency has a backlog of around five years worth of Incurred Cost Submissions it needs to audit. The Government Accountability Office, the DoD Inspector General and Congress have all been critical of DCAA's inability to address the backlog. Now the agency is taking aggressive, and somewhat unusual, measures to address the problem. A policy memo went out recently with requirements for the agency's auditors; attached was a list exposing around 1,000 delinquent contractors. Rich Wilkinson is vice president for client services for NeoSystems. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain how contractors should handle the situation.
The way to better, more trustworthy government is through fixing broken systems and processes, and funding them adequately, says Federal News Radio's Tom Temin in a new commentary.
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter will propose a 401k-like retirement program for uniformed military personnel this week. USA today reports the goal is that everyone that leaves the military takes away a retirement fund, even if they don't stay in 20 years. Todd Harrison is senior fellow for defense budget studies at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he compared the idea to the work he's done on compensation and the work the Military Compensation Commission did.
Head of the National Security Agency and commander of U.S. Cyber Command, Adm. Mike Rogers, said having stronger offensive cyber capabilities would help prevent future cyber attacks. That's one of his latest messages to the Senate Armed Services Committee. Ron Marks is senior fellow for the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at George Washington University. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he said an having a cyber strategy that focuses more on offense, might wind up causing even more cybersecurity problems for federal agencies.
Jerry Williams at Education and Glenn Haggstrom at Veterans Affairs are both leaving their government positions. Federal News Radio's Jason Miller examines why in this week's Inside the Reporter's Notebook feature.
In this week's edition of Inside the Reporter's Notebook, Executive Editor Jason Miller examines the unintended consequences of 1990s procurement reform and how OFPP plans to address them. Plus, multiple congressmen crack down on duplication issues at the Department of Homeland Security. Also in this edition, what's behind the retirement of a long-time CIO at Education and a procurement executive at Veterans Affairs?
The newest edition of the Virtual Enterprise Service Desk is now active on the desktops of airmen all across the Air Force. Version 2.0 includes capabilities that will make users more self-reliant, which will save the Air Force money. Lt. Col. Mark Reith, commander of the 690th Network Support Squadron, tells In Depth with Francis Rose how airmen will find some new power when they click on the vESD icon on their desktops.
If Congress passes the defense acquisition reform bill, introduced by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry this week, it won't be enought to fix the defense acqusition system. And he's the first to admit that. But the legislation does attempt to chip away at what Thornberry views as clear problems, including a lack of clear lines of authority, and too much paperwork. Beth McGrath, federal practice director of Deloitte and former deputy chief managment officer for the Defense Department, tells In Depth with guest host Jared Serbu what she thinks of the bill.
The Department of the Navy plans to use one of the three projects in its Innovation Cell to create data analytics for talent management. The goal of the cell is to rapidly acquire commercial IT by involving industry early in the requirements process.
The Navy is in the middle of a long push to overhaul its personnel practices. Navy officials think those practices are too rigid, and that they're based on concepts of talent management that are really outdated. Officials want new data analytics capabilities to help determine what's good and bad about the current system, and they're asking industry for help. Federal News Radio DoD Reporter Jared Serbu has the details.
When the Government Accountability Office rules in favor of a contract protest, it doesn't automatically mean the protester wins the contract. That happened in a recent case involving the Department of Veterans Affairs. Bill Welch, a partner at McMahon, Welch and Learned, tells In Depth with Francis Rose that's one of two important lessons federal agencies and contractors need to learn from this case.
Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Mac Thornberry, wants to alter the chain of command in the defense acquisition reform process. But his reform bill also zeroes in on the Pentagon's IT acquisition process. Trey Hodgkins is senior vice president for public sector at the Information Technology Alliance for Public Sector. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he said those details of the bipartisan bill will help the Defense Department keep its technological edge.