Who should have custody of suspected terrorists? It\'s being debated on the hill./The latest dispute centers on a provision that would require military custody of a suspect determined to be a member of al-Qaida or an affiliate and involved in the planning or carrying out of an attack on the United States. The administration says such a step would hamper efforts by the FBI or other law enforcement while requiring military custody for all terror suspects.
How do American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki get on a kill or capture list? Reuters reports, it\'s a secret panel of Sr. U.S. government officials on the National Security Council that decide and then send their recommendations on to the President. Former National Security staffer Juan Zarate says, it\'s an important process. \"You have Senior National staff along with counsel reviewing anything the U.S. does from a National Security perspective that touches on law of war, war of terror issues, he says.\" The National Security Council says no such panel exists.
The U.S. should have learned from its failures in Vietnam. Those words from a top Vietnamese military leader visiting the U.S. Lt. Gen. Vo Tien Trung speaking at the War College in Washington, said the US should have learned that military aggression is folly. He made the remarks during a question and answer session after a speech at the college. And he added in his own words that his message to Americans was that no matter how powerful your army, it is not legitimate to attack other countries.
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is bring back former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. James Cartwright just weeks after he retired. he won\'t be in uniform though. Instead, he\'ll serve on the powerful Defense Policy Board. Other nominees to the board include former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick and former Rep. Jane Harman. Their job is to provides advice and opinions to the defense secretary on policy matters.
In a personal move, the new Joint Chiefs Chairman General Martin Dempsey invited members of the press in to see a large original oil painting of General George Marshall in his office. He pointed out that he identifies with certain of Marshall\'s approaches to dealing with war. He also displayed a small wooden box that sits on a desk that General Douglas Macarthur used. The box, belonging to Dempsey , contains what he calls casualty cards, small cards with the names and images on them of U.S. military personnel killed in action --so that he won\'t forget them.
October 25th, 2011 at 12 PM A distinguished panel of top experts from government and industry, will explore market incentives that may or may not currently exist to stimulate greater corporate investment in cybersecurity protection measures. Such business drivers may include the consideration of relating proactive cybersecurity activity to a favorable valuation of company performance, liability protection measures such as insurance coverage for cyber vulnerabilities, or statutory liability protection. The panelists will explore the likelihood that these or other market incentives may emerge across industry and government to enhance our collective defense against sophisticated cyber threats.
Jeff Black, Chef/Owner of the new Pearl Dive Oyster Bar and Black Jack Bar on 14th St., in with the Wilder Bros., mixologists Ari and Micah Rustico Ballston\'s Exec Chef Steve Mannino talking Oktoberfest Tea Chef Laurie Bell Tacoma Park\'s \"Souper Girl\", Sara Polon
Pt. 1 - How to Claim a Deduction for The Business Use of Your Home Pt. 2 - Rita Fagan, M&T Bank
The number of teleworkers at the Department of Agriculture has swelled to more than 58,000 - up from just 16,000 a year ago.
The Maritime Administration\'s mission is to improve and strengthen the U.S. marine transportation system to meet the economic, environmental and security needs of the Nation.
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Chairman and CEO Craig Floyd will talk about events celebrating the organization\'s 20th anniversary. October 7,2011