ASMC The Business of Defense

  • The federal Flow Rate Technical Group, a scientific team led by Secretary of Energy Steven Chu has been bringing together several scientific methodologies to develop updated estimates of how much oil is flowing from BP\'s leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. The updated estimate, which will bring together the ongoing work of scientists and engineers from the federal government, as well as universities, and research institutions, will be of how much oil has been flowing since the riser was cut on June 3rd. Three of the teams analyzed broad sets of technical data from the air, on the surface and coast, and under water, and plugged the bits and pieces into computer models in order to formulate their revised estimates. There\'s a web site to learn more about the response effort. It\'s

    June 17, 2010
  • Cornell University researchers recently stretched individual molecules and watched electrons flow through them, proving that single-molecule devices can be used as powerful new tools for nanoscale science experiments. The work resulted in the first precision tests of a phenomenon known as the under screened Kondo effect. It shows that single-molecule devices can be very useful as scientific tools to study a phenomenon that has never before been accessible. The research was supported by the National Science Foundation\'s Division of Materials Research and presents a powerful new tool for nanoscale science experiments. Using a cobalt-based complex cooled to extremely low temperatures, Ralph, Parks and an international team of researchers watched electrons move through single molecules and accomplished a feat that until now escaped chemists and physicists. They were able to study the resistance of the flow of electricity within a system\'s electric field as the temperature approached absolute zero.

    June 17, 2010
  • Chinese leaders may be willing to realign some of their weapons and ease tensions with Taiwan. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, who visited China and Taiwan earlier made the comments during a Senate hearing. The move may have been coated with hopes that the U.S. suspend or abandon future weapons sales to Taiwan. China broke of military to military talks with the U.S. after the Obama administration announced plans to sell Taiwan up to $6.4 billion in arms.

    June 17, 2010
  • The North America Aerospace Defense Command and the Russian Air Force plan to conduct a cooperative air defense exercise focused on combating terrorism. This exercise will take place in Russian and U.S. airspace and include Western Alaska and Eastern Russia in early August 2010. The scenario will involve both Russian and U.S. aircraft monitoring an international flight seized by terrorists.

    June 16, 2010
  • In spite of the billions of dollars the U.S. government has provided Iraq to train it\'s military forces, there is evidence still of deep concern about whether they can do it. The State Department is reportedly putting together a diplomatic protection force to take the place of the U.S. military once they leave the country next year. Department officials are asking the Pentagon to provide heavy military gear, including Black Hawk helicopters, and say they will also need substantial support from private contractors.

    June 16, 2010
  • A new online platform from the General Services Administration is helping federal agencies generate creative ideas for improving government while also improving openness and transparency, a White House directive. GSA officials say the Innovation Challenges Platform provides agencies with a way to lower the barriers for government\'s use of prizes and challenges by providing a platform at no cost that simplifies the public engagement process for both agencies and the public. It allows the public to suggest and discuss solutions to government problems. The platform is currently being used for Director of new media and citizen engagement at the agency Bev Godwin says, there are a lot of different benefits that agencies can derive from such challenges, one of the most important being that they only pay for the solution.

    June 15, 2010
  • Researchers with the National Science Foundation have developed a new tool for efficiently removing blood clots in the brain, the leading cause of strokes. The tool overcomes limitations in current emergency stroke treatments, potentially extending the time for a victim to get help. Engineered with support from the Foundation\'s Small Business Innovation Research program, Insera Therapeutics of California, developed the Stroke Help using an Transcatheter Retrieval device. It contains two primary components; an outer sheath for containing captured clots and an inner filament that houses the collapsible, five-millimeter-diameter, nickel-titanium mesh that grabs and filters the clots. The technology can be custom-fit for patients. Researchers say, such strokes are the leading cause of long-term disability in the U.S.

    June 15, 2010
  • Canadian Police are looking for a man who illegally bought enough ammonium nitrate to make a large bomb. There is significant concern about the purchase, because Canada is hosting the Group of Eight summit and the G20 later this month. Police found out about it after they were notified by a farm supply store in Canada. The man was described by police as being in his 50s or 60s, with brown, unkempt hair and missing fingers on his right hand.

    June 14, 2010
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention take home a Tele-Vision Award.

    June 14, 2010
  • A U.S. military official in Afghanistan called the claims the Taliban is planting HIV tainted needles along with IEDS, \"absolutely\" ridiculous. A former British military officer reportedly exposed the tactic to a U.K. news outlet. Questions have arisen about where the Taliban would get the needles and how they would know they\'re infected with HIV. British military explosive ordinance disposal teams have reportedly have been issued special gloves to handle IEDs.

    June 10, 2010
  • June 14th and June 16th The ICE\'s Secure Communities program is designed to change immigration enforcement by using technology to share information between law enforcement agencies and by applying risk-based methodologies to focus resources on assisting all local communities remove high-risk criminal aliens.

    June 10, 2010
  • Jim Dean Chair, Democracy for America Nan Grogan Orrock Georgia State Senator, District 36 David Neiwert Managing Editor, Eric Lotke Research Director, Campaign for America\'s Future

    June 09, 2010
  • Hear more from federal career expert and federal employee, Lily Whiteman. June 11, 2010

    June 09, 2010
  • The Taliban denies any involvement, but for the third time in two months, school girls in Afghanistan have fallen ill. Authorities say they were poisoned with some kind of substance. The most up to date reporting from the region suggests the 14 girls in this incident were gassed. The girls were rushed to a medical facility in the Sar e Pol province in Northern Afghanistan. Authorities say they don\'t have any suspects. Almost 100 girls and teachers have been attacked this way in recent months.

    June 08, 2010