Travis Sharp, a fellow at the Center for a New American Security, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the defense budget. Sharp argued that the new budget and the accompanying strategy may actually make the automatic sequestration cuts, set to begin in January 2013, easier for Congress to swallow.
Todd Harrison, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss pay and benefits proposals in the fiscal-year 2013 budget request unveiled Monday. CSBA has been surveying service members on how they view their benefits.
When the White House releases the federal budget request each year, it\'s an opportunity for federal agencies and departments to list their priorities, announce new initiatives and detail the programs — along with the funding levels to support those programs — each will undertake. But this year, in a nod to the climate of budgetary uncertainty and a Congress increasingly looking toward cuts, all of the agency budgets not only detail how they will spend money in fiscal-year 2013, but how they will save money.
The personnel proposals included in the 2013 Defense Department budget include hikes to healthcare fees, cutbacks in both uniformed and civilian personnel. DoD also plans to save money through continued efficiencies and plans to increase the acquisition workforce.
The President\'s fiscal 2013 budget requests calls on agencies to \"redouble\" efforts to cut wasteful spending through government reorganization and cuts to improper payments.
President Obama\'s fiscal 2013 budget request released today ends the two-year federal pay freeze but increases contributions feds will have to make toward their retirement benefits.
The President\'s fiscal 2013 budget request is available today in print, online and — for the first time — a mobile app.
Steve Bell, senior director of the Bipartisan Policy Center\'s Economic Policy Project, says while the President\'s proposed budget includes some interesting details for feds, none of them are likely to become law.
The Government Accountability Office, Congressional Budget Office, Government Printing Office and Library of Congress testified before a House committee this week on their fiscal-year 2013 budget requests. While they vary in many ways, none stray too far from 2012 funding numbers that cut the agencies\' budgets.
If the requested budgets of several agencies are any indication, federal agencies are expecting less funds in anticipation of the President\'s fiscal 2013 budget request, to be released Monday.
Anne Reed, the chairman of the board of ASI Government, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the 2013 budget request and its impact on technology and financial management.
The Postal Service said large losses would continue until the agency can trim its workforce, close some facilities, and restructure its healthcare program. The Postal Service posted a total loss of $5.1 billion in fiscal 2011.
American Federation of Government Employees President Jacque Simon will discuss whether your federal pay and benefits will be cut this year. February 8, 2012
The battle over the budget is heating up once again. John Stanton, a House reporter at Roll Call, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the buget debate on Capitol Hill and what it means for federal managers and employees.
The Library of Congress, Government Printing Office, Government Accountability Office and Congressional Budget Office testified before the House Appropriations Legislative Branch subcommittee Tuesday on their fiscal 2013 budget requests.