Some liftoff for the FAA. Former administrator Jane Garvey has insight.
A new memo from OPM details the efforts to standardize and improve the Senior Executive Service\'s performance management system. A task force of 10 agencies will develop the new process using public and private-sector best practices. Once finished, OPM expects agencies to implement the system over the next two years.
Cindy Troutman, the president of CGH Technologies, joined In Depth with Francis Rose, to give her perspective and to provide one snapshot of how the partial shutdown at FAA is affecting contractors.
Agency budgets will shrink by $7 billion next year. But no one knows where those cuts will happen. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal, sorts out what we know and what we don\'t.
Ashton Carter would take over for Bill Lynn, who announced in July he is retiring.
On today\'s Federal Drive, more updates on how the debt-limit deal will affect agency budgets. Plus, NASA\'s green mission to Jupiter and why the National Security Administration is looking for new hires at a hacker convention.
Guy Timberlake is the head of the American Small Business Coalition, and he discusses what this deal might mean for your federal contracts.
Tom Trabucco, the Director of External Affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, explains why you don\'t have to worry about the debt impacting your TSP.
Maya MacGunieas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and the director of the Fiscal Policy Program at the New America Foundation, explains what kinds of cuts agencies may expect.
Todd Harrison, a senior at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, analyzes the future of Defense spending.
Personal and professional issues come into play for people deciding whether or not to telework.
Congressional leaders and the White House agreed on a framework of spending cuts to raise the nation\'s debt ceiling. As part of the agreement, more than $900 billion will be cut over 10 years from Cabinet agency budgets.
Even with the debt limit crisis settled, federal workers are going to be hearing, and living with the F-word for a long time. F in this case stands for furloughs and freezes.
Tim McManus, vice president for Education and Outreach at the Partnership for Public Service, said he thinks there are some things you can do to make hiring simpler at your agency.
Some federal agency credit unions are offering short-term loan programs as the country nears the Aug. 2 deadline of defaulting on its debt.