The House passed a 1.6 percent pay raise for military personnel.
Stan Collender, a federal budget guru, gives his analysis of what must be done in the coming weeks.
Senators Tom Carper and Rob Portman requested information from agencies on the number of excess and underutilized properties they currently own. The senators expect a progress report by July 25.
William Lynn is stepping down as Defense Department deputy secretary.
National Security Archive survey reveals agencies are not reporting accurate information about 10-year backlog to the Justice Department. NSA found agencies are falling well short of the Obama administration\'s mandate to improve Freedom of Information Act requests.
Jay Powell is a visiting scholar at the Bipartisan Policy Center and former Treasury undersecretary for President George H.W. Bush.
Kevin Green is the vice president for defense and intelligence at IBM Federal.
A coalition of unions and federal employee groups are urging lawmakers to reject cost-cutting proposals that harm federal pay and benefits.
The Justice Department defends employees who are accused of violating citizens\' constitutional rights. Law enforcement officers are in the most danger of being sued. DoJ provides training for employees about how to steer clear of these situations.
OPM Director John Berry reminded federal employees of their benefits and other options in preparation for an unusual hurricane season.
Debra Wall has been with the National Archives for over 20 years.
The United States Post Office has been making a lot of changes and shakeups, as it tries to climb out of a multi-billion dollar hole.
A new site, called Wage Determination Online, is a permanent resource for researching information on service contracts and labor standards.
Census Director Robert Groves explains how the agency will be able to still perform effectively despite the consolidation and cuts.
In Debra Filippi\'s 34 years of work in the federal government she served as the Director of the DoD/VA Interagency program office.