What\'s the best way for you to communicate your agency\'s mission, efforts, accomplishments, and challenges? A new report can help. We get details from the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board\'s Wendy Payne.
Obama administration officials told Congress agencies are taking a more aggressive stance than ever in their efforts to cut improper payments. The White House has set a goal of reducing such payments by $50 billion by next fiscal year.
OFPP administrator Dan Gordon told a Senate committee that a new rule to add more oversight to multi-agency contracts should be out soon. Agencies wanting to develop new multiple award contracts will have to justify them before going forward. OFPP is also trying to use strategic sourcing to take advantage of the government\'s buying power.
The legislation would save taxpayers billions of dollars, claims the bill\'s sponsor Rep. Jeff Denham (R-Calif).
Congress stopped funding for the engine in this year\'s Continuing Resolution, but the House added the engine to the 2012 bill.
Two new reports find women in the federal workforce aren\'t as satisfied as the men. One study found women don\'t make as much money or hold as many senior executive positions, while the other noted big differences across agencies.
The D.C. Council has given preliminary approval to the city\'s fiscal 2012 budget -- a spending plan that includes an increase in some taxes as well as more money for human services.
May 23rd and May 25th How is USCIS enhancing its outreach and becoming more customer-centric? Join us and guest Alejandro Mayorkas as we discuss.
A new MOU outlines ways to enhance the sharing of information and expertise between FEW and MSPB to help both entities better achieve their goals. We get details from MSPB\'s Chair, Susan Grundmann.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the military is not the cause of the nation\'s debt and deficits -- but it needs to be part of the solution. And he said finding that solution could involve reexamining military pay and benefits.
Cutting some fat at your organization with reorganization. Karen Knowles, the General Manager for the US Federal Government business unit at the SAS Institute has more information
Your agency will function just fine after a major disaster. Richard Reed is the special assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for Resilience Policy at the Executive Office of the President. He\'s also the man that made that possible.
Relax...your agency is getting some help developing its labor-management partnership council. Learn more from Federal Labor Relations Authority General Counsel Julie Clark
Even with all the talk of federal employee pay cuts, and freezes, there is likely to be very little change. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro explains why.
For every two vacancies in the Air Force civilian ranks, only one person will be hired.