FCW reports the amendment passed by 253-172 on May 27.
In a strategic organizational shift designed to achieve long-term business objectives, USPS has announced realignments within two groups representing key areas of revenue growth for the business. Jim Cochrane, the new vice president for product visibility and operational performance, explains how it all works.
Starting with 6 million acres 100 years ago, the National Park Service is now responsible for more than 84 million acres. NPS Director Jon Jarvis tells us about plans for the future.
All Federal agencies are required to submit annual Sustainability Plans starting in June 2010. The plans must outline how the agency will meet the mandates of Executive Order 13514 to conserve more, consume less and substantially reduce its carbon footprint. In this interview, representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) will talk about the key components of Sustainability Plans, including implementation, monitoring and challenges.
Former e-gov administrators Karen Evans and Mark Forman give their insight as to how federal cybersecurity management is changing now that President Obama\'s 60 Day Cyber Security Review is over a year old. Is FISMA a thing of the past? Find out by reading more.
Karin O\'Leary is Director of the Budget at the Justice Department and explains how she stayed positive during the tough times.
Kitty Wooley is a Management and Program Analyst at the Department of Education and tells us more about her blog.
Kshemendra Paul moves from the OMB chief architect to the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment. He will lead the work on information sharing standards, policies and procedures.
The Congressman explains why he thinks she made the right choice.
The Wall Street Journal has tips and tricks for you.
The departure of Minerals Management Service Director Elizabeth Birnbaum was announced by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar at a congressional hearing where Birnbaum had been scheduled to testify but didn\'t show up.
The Senate has begun consideration of proposals to give the President a line-item veto over individual provisions in federal spending bills. The measures are designed to overcome shortcomings in a 1996 line-item veto bill which was declared unconstitutional.