The Defense Department reported making just $1.1 billion in improper payments in fiscal 2011, a small fraction of the Pentagon's total outlays of more than $1 trillion. But, in a new report, the Government Accountability Office said those estimates are neither reliable nor statistically valid because of "longstanding and pervasive" weaknesses in DoD financial-management practices as well as specific deficiencies in the department's procedures for estimating improper payments.
OMB and Treasury have been working with the four federal financial management shared services providers to collect information on cost and performance. OMB Deputy Controller Norman Dong said the data will help agencies make true comparisons of the providers.
Senate lawmakers are promising to change the laws to let agencies have easier access to the Death Master File and other key databases. Starting June 1, agencies must check the Do Not Pay list before issuing any money.
Federal chief financial officers have more foresight, insight and hindsight than ever before to make better decisions. But just as important as having these wide-ranging sight lines is how they are being translated down to the program level. Experts say agencies are slowly heading down the path of using data to make better decisions.
Linda Springer, former controller at the Office of Management and Budget, tells In Depth's Francis Rose why it's important for members across the C-Suite to work together.
The Defense Department's attitude toward the importance of auditability has undergone a marked change, but experts believe compliance with its next legal deadline will be a stretch.
From shared services and data-driven decision-making, to shrinking budgets and workforces, Federal News Radio's special report, Rise of the Money People, tracks the emerging trends in effective financial management at federal agencies, and the possible hurdles that stand in the way of saving even more money.
Congressman John Mica says his top priority as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations is to cut agency waste, fraud and abuse beyond just the low hanging fruit. Mica's column is part of Federal News Radio's special report, Rise of the Money People.
Kim McCoy, the bureau's chief information officer, said she's looking at how best to pre-position resources to get new agency financial management customers on board more quickly. April 11, 2013
Kay Daly, the assistant inspector general for audit services at Health and Human Services, tells Federal News Radio why HHS has made so many improper payments and what the agency is doing to fix the problem.
Steve Potts of the Graduate School USA explains what agencies need to do to prepare for financial management succession planning. The interview is part of Federal News Radio's special report, Rise of the Money People.
As the new chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs subcommittee that oversees the federal workforce and government efficiency, Sen. Jon Tester says he will work to improve government services by pushing for better inter-agency collaboration and smarter investments that produce results.
Federal finance may conjure up images of dull reports and boring people toiling away on spreadsheets. If that's what comes to mind, it may be time to revise your thinking. Doug Criscitello and Jeff Steinhoff, two former federal financial executives, spoke with Federal News Radio about the evolving workforce as part of our special report, Rise of the Money People.
The Air Force Materiel Command is trying to save up to $1 billion through a process called High Velocity Maintenance. Dr. Steve Butler, the executive director of the Air Force Materiel Command, speaks with Francis Rose about how the process helps his agency save money.
Tim Lawler, director of the grants management practice at Grant Thornton and former director of financial management at the FAA, tells the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp how the grants process can be streamlined at agencies.