
  • What\'s behind the creation of Acquisition University and how far can acquisition changes be expected to drive improved government management? Host Larry Allen discusses these issues with General William Tuttle, Chairman of the Procurement Round Table. October 26, 2010

    October 26, 2010
  • Roger Waldron is the new president of the Coalition for Government Procurement.

    October 26, 2010
  • North Korea might be preparing for another nuclear test. Reports of increased activity detected by US imaging satellites and South Korean reports of \"brisk movement\" of people and vehicles at the site of the North\'s 2006 nuclear tests are the bases for the spike in concern. Kim Chong-un probably requires some sensational grand gesture to validate his leadership, however severe the backlash. He needs something he can claim as his own idea. Pyongyang leadership should recognize that it cannot bear the economic impact of more sanctions. The NightWatch prediction is that there will be no nuclear test before 2011, but there may be some other sensational or provocative action.

    October 26, 2010
  • In a town that has become accustom to long and tangled appointments, this one may go down in the books, but it is officially official this morning: Defense Secretary Robert Gates named Teri Takai to be the Defense Department’s chief information officer, ostensibly replacing John Grimes, who retired in April 2009. Takai is widely respected [...]

    October 26, 2010
  • In a town that has become accustom to long and tangled appointments, this one may go down in the books, but it is officially official this morning: Defense Secretary Robert Gates named Teri Takai to be the Defense Department’s chief information officer, ostensibly replacing John Grimes, who retired in April 2009. Takai will start her [...]

    October 26, 2010
  • As part of a huge move, DISA finds little things can mean the most. To keep just a few feds on the job, a new classified telework center is in the works. We get details from DISA\'s Jack Penkoske.

    October 26, 2010
  • How the Board keeps tabs on the money and described the tools it uses to identify rogue recipients is explained by Doug Hassebrock, the assistant director of investigations for the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board.

    October 26, 2010
  • GSA is ramping up cloud computing, preparing the next two governmentwide contracts for cloud computing. Agency issues notice that a RFP could be issued by early 2011. GSA also considering geospatial platform-as-a-service offering later next year.

    October 26, 2010
  • Federal CIO Kundra said an upcoming conference will help agencies share and find best practices for prioritizing data sets. Departments are struggling to meet stake holder demands for opening up data. Kundra said more and more these data sets are leading to third party applications.

    October 26, 2010
  • \"Best of the DorobekINSIDER\" with previous shows about managing older workers and the design of the Library of Congress\' THOMAS website.

    October 25, 2010
  • The Census must change the way it does business if it wants to stay in business, NextGov reports.

    October 25, 2010
  • Federal agencies are challenged with how to treat worker grievances from contractors, who do not have the same mediation procedures as federal workers.

    October 25, 2010
  • American hikers Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal will stand trial in Iran on November 6th, according to the Swiss ambassador in Tehran. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Iranian authorities should exercise the humanitarian option and release them, adding that the US does not believe there is a basis for the arrest charges. The United States and Iran need to discuss many matters of significance, Clinton stated. Movement to trial should enable the release of the two men, though they probably will be convicted and given a prison sentence. That scenario will give President Ahmadi-Nejad a platform and opportunity to show forgiveness, provided of course the men show proper remorse.

    October 25, 2010
  • New media has become a big phenomenon for government.

    October 25, 2010