
  • According to lawmaker Lin Yu fang, Taiwan plans to deploy its own cruise missiles by the end of this year. Lin said Taiwan started producing the new missiles after acquiring key components needed for assembly. The new missiles have a range of 800 kilometers, capable of reaching Shanghai, Hong Kong and coastal cities in between. In 2008, Taiwan ordered production of 300 missiles as a partial counter to 1,300 ballistic missiles China placed opposite Taiwan\'s coastline. Neither country has a proven, reliable defense against each other\'s missiles. The Chinese ballistic missiles can saturate Taiwan\'s limited air defense capability, while Taiwan\'s cruise missiles can penetrate China\'s air defense systems.

    September 08, 2010
  • One of the Obama administration\'s biggest partners when it comes to the use of technology for open government, the Sunlight Foundation, is questioning whether the push for gov 2.0 is running out of steam. Ellen Miller, Sunlight\'s executive director, calls the open data plans disappointing because 12 of 30 agencies didn\'t list any data sets for release. Federal CTO Aneesh Chopra said he welcomes the criticism.

    September 08, 2010
  • Exploring ideas to improve government effectiveness. We profile three recent Center reports with authors Dr. David Wyld on Cloud Computing in Government, Dr. Vicki Grant on Process Improvement in Social Service Delivery, and Prof. Sukumar Ganapati on the use of GIS in engaging citizens.

    September 07, 2010
  • The Partnership for Public Service is trying to improve federal hiring practices

    September 07, 2010
  • Learn more about the USGS\'s efforts to prepare the city in the event of a megaflood

    September 07, 2010
  • Pres. Obama has chosen his replacement for the retiring General Chilton

    September 07, 2010
  • After 19 years, India has once again leased a nuclear-powered attack submarine from Russia. The Nerpa, which NATO classifies as an Akula II attack submarine, departed Russian waters on August 20th bound for India. Once the boat arrives, it will be rechristened INS Chakra and begin sea trials. The ten year lease provides time for India to exploit the Akula II for crew training and guidance in constructing its own nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines. A squadron of three is planned. The Akula II - and India\'s conventionally powered submarines -- can launch torpedoes and cruise missiles. India has purchased some of the most advanced underwater-launched cruise missiles in existence.

    September 07, 2010
  • VA makes changes to education payments system

    September 07, 2010
  • The FCC, GSA and the Smithsonian were among the best agencies to work for in the latest survey and officials point to a few specific reasons for their success. Agencies must make their employees feel like they are part of the answer to meeting their mission, agency officials say.

    September 07, 2010
  • Jason Miller and Mark Amtower count down the top three most important Federal news stories of the week.

    September 03, 2010
  • The General Services Administration is suspending new companies from offering office supplies through Schedule 75 for two years.

    September 03, 2010
  • When NASA scientists were stymied last year in trying to devise a formula for predicting solar flares, they took an unusual approach: They posted their problem online, and offered a prize to anyone who could solve it. One requirement: the person with the winning solution would have to fork over exclusive rights to the idea - in exchange for a $30,000 prize. 579 people considered the challenge, while only five submitted entries. The winner was a retired radio frequency engineer from New Hampshire who offered an algorithm that may be a first step in helping NASA predict when solar particles might endanger astronauts or spacecraft. Top officials within the General Services Administration and the Office of Management and Budget have called the contest the beginning of a huge movement. Now, the website challenge-dot-gov allows agencies to post challenges, create blogs and discussions, and reward winners with an array of incentives.

    September 03, 2010
  • E-Mentees will be recruited through State\'s existing network of thousands of alumni from exchange programs focusing on entrepreneurship, and others who express serious interest in entrepreneurial guidance. We get details from the State Department\'s Steven Koltai.

    September 03, 2010
  • Instead of giving the traditional \"State of the American Worker\" Labor Day speech in front of a small group, Secretary Hilda Solis this year recorded a video both highlighting the department\'s support of and commitment to the American worker. We ask Secretary Solis about the message of the day.

    September 03, 2010