
  • President Obama has tapped a senior advisor at OMB to be the administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy.

    July 11, 2014
  • Benefits expert John Elliott will discuss what you should be doing to prepare for retirement, and OPM Director Katherine Archuleta will talk about the status of phased retirement, the retirement-claims backlog and other civil service issues. July 9, 2014

    July 09, 2014
  • Industry needs to be "more creative and bold" when it comes to helping agencies solve their biggest challenges, says AT&T executive Casey Coleman, the former chief information officer at the General Services Administration.

    July 09, 2014
  • Brian Miller, former inspector general at the General Services Administration, said IGs have a difficult job that often goes unnoticed. He gave Federal News Radio a behind-the-scenes look at how IGs balance mission, the media, agency relationships and a good sense of humor.

    July 08, 2014
  • Joe Pulizzi, founder and executive director of the Content Marketing Institute, will discuss how to use content marketing to generate more business for your company. July 7, 2014

    July 07, 2014
  • Sean C. Young and Benjamin J. Tran, two electronics engineers with the Air Force Research Lab created an aerial sensor that has helped U.S. service members to find and destroy dangerous improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Afghanistan.

    July 07, 2014
  • The Service to America Medals honor federal employees who go above and beyond their job descriptions to serve the public. For the next few months, Federal News Radio will be speaking to the finalists. A civilian engineer is reshaping the way the military performs operations in the air and on the field. Sean Young is an electronics engineer with the Air Force Research Laboratory in Ohio. He helped save soldiers' lives in Afghanistan by creating a new aerial sensor system to detect improvised explosive devices. For his creativity, he is a finalist in the National Security and International Affairs category of the 2014 Sammies awards. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to talk about his nomination. View a gallery of all the Sammies nominees. Read a Q&A with Sean Young.

    July 07, 2014
  • As head of the Antarctic Sciences Section of the National Science Foundation's Division of Polar Programs, Scott Gerald Borg oversees the funding and helps plot the direction of scientific research in Antarctica.

    July 07, 2014
  • Chuck Tobin, president of Association of Threat Assessment Professionals, will talk about how threat assessment can be used to prevent workplace violence. July 4, 2014

    July 04, 2014
  • Helping coordinate the discovery of a new species of dinosaur is no ordinary accomplishment. But try discovering two new species and collecting a 15-million-year-old water sample trapped half a mile below the surface of Antarctica. Scott Borg, head of the Antarctic Sciences Section in the Division of Polar Programs at the National Science Foundation, is a Service to America medal finalist in the Career Achievement category. Borg and his team support university researchers and scientists to help make their scientific visions a reality. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explains what draws him to this kind of work. View a photo gallery of other SAMMIES finalists. Read a Q&A with Borg.

    July 02, 2014
  • The U.S. Agency for International Development is making drinking water safer in Kenya and Uganda. It's a bread and butter issue for the development agency, but the solution is different. Jill Boezwinkle has taken a crowd-sourced idea and turned it into reality in the Dispensers for Safe Water program. Now, she is a finalist in the national security and international affairs category of the 2014 Sammies awards. She joined Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to discuss her role in the Dispensers for Safe Water program.

    June 30, 2014
  • Financial advisor Arthur Stein will answer your calls and emails about the TSP, and CBS MoneyWatch Columnist Allan Roth discusses what you can do to maximize your TSP investments. June 25, 2014

    June 25, 2014
  • Acting VA Secretary Sloan Gibson announced Friday the nomination of Carolyn Clancy as interim undersecretary for health in the Department of Veterans Affairs.

    June 25, 2014
  • Jill Singer, partner at Deep Water Point and former CIO of the National Reconnaissance Office, sits down with Women of Washington radio show hosts Aileen Black and Gigi Schumm, for a discussion about cloud computing and insider threats.

    June 25, 2014