National & World Headlines

  • Dennis Wisnosky, the chief architect and chief technical officer of the Business Mission Area at the Defense Department\'s Office of Business Transformation, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the Defense Department\'s path to the cloud.

    February 28, 2012
  • The software can even transmit digital maps and videos, and the Pentagon says this is helping reduce the risk of navigating enemy territory.

    February 28, 2012
  • Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki are getting a first-hand look at how medical information sharing between the two agencies is working.

    February 28, 2012
  • Gordon Adams, a professor of international relations at American University and a former associate director at the Office of Management and Budget, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the reaction the budget request is getting on Capitol Hill.

    February 27, 2012
  • The government\'s adoption of mobile devices is only in its early stages. People hear about \"wonderful, sexy new tools that are available for individuals, and we ask the question of ourselves, \'Why can they\'ve be available in a working setting within government or industry?\'\" said one government technology expert.

    February 27, 2012
  • The Navy Sea Systems Command has awarded a $400 million contract for two new Joint High Speed Vessels.

    February 27, 2012
  • After a decade of unsuccessful attempts, including the Justice Department\'s Integrated Wireless Network, the Homeland Security Department wants to leap forward with technology by using commercial 4G networks to connect law enforcement agencies. DHS created a joint program office to lead the effort. The approach is part of OMB\'s shared services initiative for agencies to work together on big programs.

    February 27, 2012
  • The Department of Veterans Affairs has issued a stop-work order on a key component of the integrated electronic health record system it isdeveloping with the Defense Department. Virginia-based ASM Research won the $103 million contract.

    February 27, 2012
  • A senior Pentagon official apologized Friday to Washington-area Muslims for the burning of Qurans at a military base in Afghanistan. The Associated Press reports, Peter Lavoy, acting assistant secretary of defense for Asia and Pacific security affairs, said the military is investigating what occurred and that all 140,000 coalition troops in Afghanistan are being retrained in the handling of religious materials. Lavoy apologized multiple times during a brief speech during prayer services at the ADAMS Center in Sterling, one of the largest mosques in the country.

    February 24, 2012
  • DoD is expanding the number of substances it tests for, and it wants anyone who is addicted to call themselves out and go for voluntary treatment and rehab.

    February 24, 2012
  • A healthcare company called McKesson has snagged the contract from the Defense Logistics Agency.

    February 24, 2012
  • The service will use both penalties and incentives to get their program offices and large businesses to award more prime and subcontracts to small firms. The Air Force issued a new small business improvement plan that details three goals to increase both the percentage of contracts and dollars going to small companies.

    February 24, 2012
  • David Powner, the director of information technology management issues at GAO, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss a recent report on duplicative IT investments at the Defense, Energy and Homeland Security Departments.

    February 23, 2012
  • A bittersweet day for the Marines yesterday --More than 170 Marines who recently returned from a 7-month deployment to Afghanistan visited 16 wounded warriors from their unit at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. At the same time, Two Marine Corps helicopters collided over a remote section of the California desert during a nighttime exercise, killing seven Marines in one of the deadliest military training accidents in years. An investigation into what happened is underway.

    February 23, 2012