National & World Headlines

  • The Veterans Affairs Department\'s process for verifying eligibility in the service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses program could become standard procedure for all agencies. VA is the only department that checks to make sure contractors are eligible.

    February 10, 2012
  • Fort Bliss announced the contract award after President Obama called on agencies to save $2 billion using the tool.

    February 10, 2012
  • The finds of those 17,000 jobs, the Army brought the most contractor positions back to federal employees, 42 percent.

    February 10, 2012
  • Two senators said they want to put Congress in charge of setting campaign contribution limits and regulating \"super\" political action committees.

    February 10, 2012
  • Military bases will soon be serving more fruits, vegetables and low-fat dishes. This is a part of the first program in 20 years to improve nutrition standards across the armed services. First lady Michelle Obama announced the effort during a visit to Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas, where the military has been experimenting with the idea through a pilot program designed to improve the quality and variety of foods served on base.

    February 09, 2012
  • The Defense Logistics Agency has completed a pilot program with industry on using botanical molecules in the supply authentication process.

    February 09, 2012
  • A top U.S. commander says only 1 percent of Afghan police and soldiers are capable of working on their own. The comments raise doubts about whether Afghan forces will be able to deal with the still potent Taliban insurgency as the U.S. and the rest of the West withdraws. U.S. Lieutenant General Curtis Scarapotti told reporters that only 29 Afghan army units and seven Afghan police units are ready to work on their own.

    February 09, 2012
  • A memorandum of understanding the two agencies signed yesterday will commit them to share resources and brainpower to make sure DoD bases have the long-term energy, land, air and water resources they need.

    February 09, 2012
  • AFGE has accused the Department of Veterans Affairs of failing to expand telework opportunities despite a new law designed to encourage the practice. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) has demanded an explanation. Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration John Sepulveda said managers aren\'t convinced that telework is good for the agency.

    February 09, 2012
  • The House Armed Services Committee has held a series of hearings in recent months taking the temperature of industry and defense experts on the relationship between contractors and the Defense Department. Allan Burman, a former administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy and now the president of Jefferson Consulting, testified before the panel. He joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss his testimony.

    February 08, 2012
  • The Air Force Office of Special Investigations says Charles R. Priestley, 48, who operated Louisiana-based Hummingbird Aviation, was contracted to build and service helicopters for use in Afghanistan.

    February 08, 2012
  • In the latest attempt to cut federal retirement benefits, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has reported out legislation that would make feds contribute more of their salaries to their pensions and end the FERS annuity supplement for people who retire before age 62.

    February 08, 2012
  • Special operations forces in Afghanistan are preparing for a possible expanded role as overall --the Associated Press is reporting as U.S. forces begin to draw down after a decade of war. Adm. Bill McRaven, the special operations commander who led last year\'s Navy SEAL raid against Osama bin Laden, confirmed that special operations forces would be the last to leave under the Obama administration\'s current plan.

    February 07, 2012
  • Improvements to training and employee retention are increasing department workforces and saving money, agency chief human capital officers for the Education and Veterans Affairs departments said at an event Tuesday.

    February 07, 2012