The 2017 defense authorization bill now has a provision requiring women to sign up for selective service.
When it comes to taking your Social Security benefit, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says timing is everything and everyone needs a Plan B.
Bart Stichman, joint executive director at the National Veterans Legal Services Program, talks with Federal News Radio’s Jared Serbu on Federal Drive with Tom Temin about a Veterans Affairs Department policy his group says is unfairly denying health care and compensation to more than 100,000 former service members.
If you won the lottery would you take smaller payments starting immediately or bigger bucks if you wait? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that's the choice confronting lots of feds.
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you don't want to be one of the 11 percent of federal employees who don't contribute to their Thrift Savings Plan accounts.
Celebrate Public Service Recognition Week with members of the Public Employees Roundtable! April 22, 2016
Randy Silvey, president Silverlight Financial, advises federal employees to take action now to protect their identities and credit by paying for a credit freeze and changing financial passwords.
If you work for Uncle Sam, up to half of your retirement income will come from your investments. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says playing it too safe could make you sorry.
Financial planner Arthur Stein joins host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn show to discuss the pros and cons of the TSP lifecycle funds, and whether your retirement is protected from another "bear" market. April 20, 2016
Dr. David Shulkin, the undersecretary for health at VA, says the agency needs better integration with private sector medical providers in order to "re-engineer" the way veterans access treatment.
Washington's largest export may be advice from experts. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the warnings are often dire and involve something you are doing wrong.
We're living longer and defined pensions funds are drying up, and the definitions of work and retirement are blurring. Benefits and retirement planning expert Tammy Flanagan talks about the impact of changing lifespans on federal retirement on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
Former DoD personnel lead Brad Carson said his ideas will prevail and more change is coming for personnel issues.
All the experts who predicted a retirement tidal wave from government were wrong. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains why so many retirement-age feds are still working.
Help the National Park Service celebrate its 100th birthday in 2016! April 8, 2016