Health plan expert Walton Francis says that about half of all federal employees are paying too much for heath care. Now that it's Open Season, feds have a chance to turn that around.
Host Mike Causey interviews Joan Melanson with Long Term Care Partners about the federal long term care program, and Federal Times senior writer Andy Medici will tell us what the election results mean for feds. November 5, 2014
Young feds are too passive; older feds too hasty with their retirement savings, according to Greg Long, executive director of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. He spoke at a meeting Wednesday of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission.
Maryland Congressman Frank Wolf and Janet Kopenhaver with Federally Employed Women join host Mike Causey to talk about what's ahead for Congress and feds. October 29, 2014
Larry Fink, chief executive officer of BlackRock, spoke at a meeting Monday of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, which administers the Thrift Savings Plan.
A petition asks President Barack Obama to grant government employees off the Friday after Christmas, creating a four-day weekend.
Benefits expert David Snell of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, joins Federal News Radio's Mike Causey for an online chat about Open Season and federal benefits.
This is the third year in a row that cost-of-living adjustments for federal retirees, Social Security recipients and disabled veterans will be less than 2 percent.
In a letter to leaders in the House and Senate tax commitees, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen reminded Congress of the importance to make a firm decision on whether to extend a mass-transit subsidy before November.
If past is prologue, most federal and postal workers will either sleepwalk through the open season and do nothing. Others will wait until the last minute, shop frantically and, in most cases, stick with the plan they've been in for years, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.
The NITP's Tammy Flanagan will discuss the best days to retire and Andy Medici with the Federal Times new problems at the VA, and the high cost of workers compensation. October 8, 2014
The Office of Personnel Management released the latest costs for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Tuesday, which show an increase of less than 4 percent for the fourth straight year.
Vermont and Rhode Island lawmakers were among those in Congress who consistently voted in favor of federal workers and retirees, according to the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association's latest scorecard.
Pay, pensions and health insurance premiums are all going up in the next several months. But definitely not at the same rate, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. White collar workers know what their January 2015 raise will be. But the cost of living adjustment for retirees is still to be decided, and new (and in some cases higher) health premiums will be unveiled in October.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is set to introduce new, standardized disability claims forms to help streamline the claims process. The goal is to make it easier for veterans and their survivors to clearly state their claims and also provide necessary documentation.