FederalNewsRadio.com writer/editor Shefali Kapadia joins host Mike Causey to talk about phased retirement, and Jenny Mattingley, director of Government Affairs at the law firm Shaw, Bransford & Roth will discuss the upcoming federal pay raise and the possibility of a government shutdown. August 13, 2014
Is the perfect job -- one with less work, a shorter commute and less time in the office -- within reach? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says phased retirement may hold the key to a perfect job for some feds.
The final rule is out on phased retirement for federal employees. The Office of Personnel Management says people can start submitting their applications for phased retirement on Nov. 6. But not everyone can qualify. Tammy Flanagan is senior benefits director of the National Institute of Transition Planning. She explained the details of the final rule on In Depth with guest host Jared Serbu.
The Office of Personnel Management's final rule on phased retirement is out, and so is additional guidance for agencies. But questions still abound. Federal News Radio answers your most pressing questions on phased retirement, from eligibility to pay, and what took OPM so long.
The rule comes more than two years after President Barack Obama signed the provision into law on July 6, 2012. Under the final rule, eligible employees can work part time while drawing on part of their earned retirement benefits. Phased retirees must also spend at least 20 percent of their time mentoring other employees.
The Office of Personnel Management received 9,101 retirement claims -- about 1,000 more than it had projected for the month, according to data OPM released Tuesday.
Got the shakes about your nest egg? The one that's supposed to provide one-third to one-half of your total retirement income? Are you feeling a little nervous? asks Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.
Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.) introduced a bill Thursday that would reduce the amount new federal employees must pay toward their government pensions. The National Treasury Employees Union and the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association support the legislation, which would repeal the last two increases in retirement contributions.
Outside of the "never has a bad day" G Fund, the Thrift Savings Plan saw across the board losses in July. However, year-to-date, each of the funds remains in the positive.
Two years after launching the Roth option for the Thrift Savings Plan, the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) has seen Roth TSP enrollment rise to 8 percent.
NITP Senior Benefits Director Tammy Flanagan will answer your retirement questions. July 30, 2014
The Thrift Savings Plan Board is checking up on the quality of the information you get when you call and ask the TSP for help. The July board meeting wasn't in Washington like it usually is; the board took a field trip this month. Kim Weaver, director of external affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, tells In Depth with Francis Rose the field trip was a learning experience.
The trustees who oversee Social Security have released a mixed report on the program's solvency. Retirement will be okay until 2034. The disability trust fund, however, has just two more years. But what about the Social Security Administration itself? As a large agency responsible for delivering hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits each year, it also has long term challenges. Those hurdles are detailed in a study by the National Academy of Public Administration. Project Director Roger Kodat joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to discuss the major challenges at SSA over the next 10 years.
With all the bad press the government, and government workers are getting nowadays, do you ever tell people you do something else---like maybe you are a travel agent or undertaker---for a living? If not, you may want to reconsider why not.
Buying an annuity from the Social Security Administration is one way for federal employees to bolster their retirement income. And yes, you heard that right, you can buy a Social Security annuity. Tammy Flanagan is Senior Benefits Director for the National Institute of Transition Planning. She says on In Depth with Francis Rose the cost of the annuity depends on how patient you are.