Host Mike Causey will talk about the Thrift Savings Plan with Tom Trabucco, director of External Affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. Also on the show - CBS Moneywatch\'s Allan Roth. December 21, 2011
Former Virginia Congressman Tom Davis discusses congressional gridlock over the budget and the payroll tax cut extension, and the potential fallout that federal employees may face.
The House has blocked the Senate\'s version of a two-month payroll tax cut extension.
Julie Tagen, legislative director for the National Association of Active and Retired Federal Employees, told Federal News Radio that certain provisions in the bill would affect federal employees.
Inflation dropped last month but that won\'t have any impact on the 3.6 percent cost-of-living adjustment coming to retired feds in a couple of weeks. But some will get more than others.
OPM has released its calendar for 2012 annuity payments.
Federal employees have dodged a bullet...for now. Congress will not freeze federal pay or change the annuity formula to pay for the two-month extension of the payroll tax cut.
Tammy Flanagan, senior benefits director at the National Institute of Transition Planning, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss what federal employees and retirees need to know about the COLA increase.
Before this weekend, Congress has three major to-do items on its agenda: the $1 trillion spending bill, the defense authorization bill and the payroll tax cut extension.
Host Mike Causey is joined by Jessica Klement of the Federal Managers Association, and Federal Times reporters Stephen Losey and Sean Reilly. December 14, 2011
Retirees can earn a paycheck from an agency on top of their pension benefits if they are fulfilling mission-critical functions and working for less than 20 hours a week. Those are two of the answers provided in an Office of Personnel Management factsheet to agencies interested in putting federal retirees on their payrolls.
A sharp increase in federal retirements may be the precursor to the long-anticipated tidal wave of workers leaving public service. How prepared is your agency for the potential \"brain drain\" of experience?
Tom Trabucco, the Director of External Affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, discussed managing risk in the TSP on In Depth with Francis Rose. He said one of the strengths of the TSP is its diversity of investment options.
Walt Francis, editor of the Checkbook Guide to Federal Health Plans, and Steve Losey and Sean Reilly of the Federal Times, join host Mike Causey on today\'s program. December 7, 2011
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s got some health plan hunting advice today, plus an important warning about groups that are fishing for your Social Security number using the Open Season as the entry portal.