Daniel Gordon, Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, joins host Larry Allen this week. Encore Presentation
Congress remains serious about federal hiring reform, and about telework. Senator George Voinovich weighs in with the legislative outlook.
Vice Admiral Mark Ferguson explains how work-life balance is making the difference in retention for the Navy.
In a strategic organizational shift designed to achieve long-term business objectives, USPS has announced realignments within two groups representing key areas of revenue growth for the business. Jim Cochrane, the new vice president for product visibility and operational performance, explains how it all works.
Starting with 6 million acres 100 years ago, the National Park Service is now responsible for more than 84 million acres. NPS Director Jon Jarvis tells us about plans for the future.
An estimated 80% of the world\'s business ran on COBOL by 1997, but it might be time for your agency to explore some options. ResQSofts\' Tom Bragg explains.
Facebook \'hilarious video\' malware notsofunny, IBM Distributes Malware At Security Conference
Federal shuttle bus services under scrutiny, Pay freeze effort defeated in House, TSA union effort denied
Former e-gov administrators Karen Evans and Mark Forman give their insight as to how federal cybersecurity management is changing now that President Obama\'s 60 Day Cyber Security Review is over a year old. Is FISMA a thing of the past? Find out by reading more.
Globs of sticky brownish ooze soil miles of sensitive shoreline and marsh from Alabama to Louisiana. Former Coast Guard vice admiral Brian Peterman tells Federal News Radio deepwater oil rigs have caused concern for years.
Debris and tar balls from the Deepwater Horizon accident has been showing up on National Park Service shores with greater frequency. Jon Jarvis, the Director of the National Park Service, tells us about plans for the future.
The National Program Manager for Coaching and Mentoring Strategy in IRS, Beverly Malone, says you can learn from your staff as they learn from you!
Unfortunately, many civil servants make errors and omit certain important tasks during their careers with the federal government. The result is that these employees may not be able to retire when they want to. We get details from Ed Zurndorfer, registered employee benefit consultant.
NASA\'s cyberfocus shifts to real time. We get details from deputy CIO Jerry Davis.
No federal pay freeze for now, White House opposes 1.9% military pay raise, Pay for performance at issue for intel community, Half of surveyed feds can\'t or won\'t telework, HHS Preparedness office will move to Patriots Plaza