Radio Interviews

Mexico Tropical Weather

Newest constellation of weather satellites gets flight plan

Space Hour host Eric White spoke to Dylan Powell, Lead Strategist for Weather and Earth Science at Lockheed Martin.

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Head shot of Paula Schneider

A conversation with Susan G. Komen CEO Paula Schneider

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Recent administrative law cases decided by the US Supreme Court

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Graphic By: Derace Lauderdalecomputer, technology, IT

USDS measures its impact in longevity, not just raw numbers

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Leadership at technology startups

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Nicholas GingoldHead shot of Steve Schooner

Sustainability & environmental procurement

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Applying tech being used on the ISS toward a future mission to Mars

Voyager Space has entered into an agreement with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center to help develop an airlock for the Mars Transit Vehicle.

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DISA, AI, AI/ML, Data management

Intelligence community pushes for ‘AI at scale’ under new IT roadmap

The intelligence community is also pursuing initiatives in cloud computing, data management, zero trust cybersecurity and quantum-resistant encryption.

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/Alexey Bragin

New strategy, A-123 update to help reduce improper payments

David Lebryk, the fiscal assistant secretary at Treasury, said a new strategy provides tools, best practices and guidance to improve federal payments.

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