Here\'s the first tax day tip: Do not miss the April 15th deadline. Ed Zurndorfer, registered employee benefit consultant, has more.
Hackers exploit new Java zero-day bug, Cyberwar Nominee Sees Gaps in Law
Acquisition overhaul would reward, punish performance, Telework and TSP bills clear committee, OPM seeks changes in federal overseas pay, Free ice cream and coffee for tax day
Improving your agency\'s procurement process requires some precise steps. Greg Baroni gets you started.
Big Federal names talk to Federal News Radio at IRMCO.
The Pentagon has named John James Director of the NSPS Transition Office. He joins us with a look at the future of NSPS and pay for performance.
People are the best investment in human capital. Technology is good, but not the best. More from David Ellwood, Dean of Harvard\'s Kennedy School
The Departments of Homeland Security and State have jointly implemented the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) for land and sea travel, strengthening security along our northern and southern borders by requiring more secure forms of documentation and proof of citizenship. Office of Information Technology director, Chris Milowic, brings us up to speed.
After more than two years of review, the Department of Energy\'s National Nuclear Security Administration has announced its new acquisition strategy decision for key contracts. We get details from Patty Wagner, site office manager at Sandia National Laboratories
OMB says earmarks are on the decline, but what exactly is being considered an earmark? Jodi Schneider, Senior Editor with American Banker has details.
David Kay, former UN Chief Weapons Inspector, looks at al Qaida and nuclear materials on The Hunt.
Senate set to consider NSA chief as head of Cyber Command, USAF adds cyber training for recruits and officers
Guns, knives, fake bombs allowed into federal buildings, tests show; GSA says sales are slow on
Current military personnel doubling as think tank thinkers, academics share results of their research.
Berry promises 900 new future leaders and an end to KSAs.