Jodi Schneider, Congressional expert and Senior Editor in the Washington Bureau of the American Banker, says the budget will be on the minds of Congress but may not be on the agenda right away.
The biggest names in health information technology were on hand for AFCEA Bethesda Health IT Day all day today. One of those names is Dr. John Loonsk, former top man at the Office of the…
Change can happen, but it will be difficult, says President Clinton\'s last OPM Director.
Host Derrick T. Dortch explores the work of the Inter-American Foundation (IAF). March 12, 2010
Expert says the federal government has a lot of clout that it\'s not using. In its buying power, it needs to insist on safer software when they buy it ... things can move in the right direction.
Furlough thousands of federal employees just as they\'re asked for their opinions on the federal workplace: what could possibly go wrong?
With a headcount of contractors who work for one of the largest federal agencies in hand yesterday, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (ID-Conn.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, began a review of the DHS fiscal year 2011 proposed budget.
Throughout the Nation and around the world, public employees use Public Service Recognition Week to educate citizens about the many ways in which the Federal government serves the people and how federal government services make life better for all of us.
February 22nd and February 24th A SPECIAL EDITION The Business of Government Magazine
New report addresses how the United States can revitalize its military officer corps to meet current national security challenges, and those that lie ahead.
But he explains \"tension\" is different from \"conflict.\" He\'s co-author of the book \"The Right Fight: How Great Leaders Use Healthy Conflict to Drive Performance, Innovation, and Value.\"
Snow. Open, unscheduled leave, closing 4 hours early. Snow.
Martha Martha Martha (Johnson), Google asks NSA for hack help, Sec. Gates lauds Lockheed over Boeing for fighters to Congress.
The President discusses priorities in his FY2011 budget request, released today.