Radio Interviews

  • Thomas G. Day Senior Vice President, Intelligent Mail and Address Quality February 23rd and 25th, 2009

    February 23, 2009
  • Pharmacy giant CVS will pay the government more than $2 million after media reports that it disposed of patient information in dumpsters. The agreement follows a joint investigation by Health and Human Services and the…

    February 23, 2009
  • The world of YouTube and blogs is making its mark on federal public relations departments. The Coast Guard, for example, has started taking its news directly to bloggers, hosting roundtable discussions normally reserved for broadcast,…

    February 23, 2009
  • Americans are living longer and healthier lives because of advances in health science. On average, American women are now living past 80 and men are living past 75. Pacemakers and stents are just two of…

    February 23, 2009
  • Debarred contractors continue to get federal work (FederalTimes) Infrastructure protection plan calls for data warehouse (FCW) Obama Pushes Firmer Budget Rules (WallStreetJournal) Housing secretary defends Obama foreclosure plan (CNN) Obama to convene fiscal summit at…

    February 23, 2009
  • John Helgerson is leaving the position of Inspector General at the Central Intelligence Agency. His predecessor in the IG job, Frederick Hitz, told me about the special requirements and provisions of the IG job at…

    February 20, 2009
  • The stimulus bill will pump a lot of money into agencies, with a lot of mandates to put into action. But money to implement what the plan includes isn’t there. Linda Springer, Executive Director of…

    February 20, 2009
  • Making decisions about how to prioritize the money your agency gets can be tricky. Daniel Saaty’s company, Decision Lens, has helped agencies do just that, and he talked about the process and tools they use.

    February 20, 2009
  • How do you get young people involved in the federal government? Let them observe what you do on a daily basis. The General Services Administration recently hosted its annual Information Technology Job Shadow Day in…

    February 20, 2009
  • What affect could more stringent emissions rules and mileage regulations mean for government vehicle fleets? Could it mean higher prices, or would the savings from running more efficient fleets outweigh higher production costs? For some…

    February 20, 2009
  • How can technology help agencies stretch their IT budgets? MeriTalk, an online community focusing on IT and public policy, has recently co-authored a report (pdf) promoting open source software, cloud computing and virtualization as a…

    February 20, 2009
  • Hackers break into government travel site, feed users attack code (ComputerWorld) Survey to check attitudes on privacy, services (FCW) Policing TARP Proves Tricky (Wall Street Journal) Nearly Half of U.S. Servicemembers Confident About Retirement, 22…

    February 20, 2009
  • The budget process for 2009 is starting. The Aviation Subcommittee of the House Transportation Committee heard testimony about the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2009 at a hearing last week. Click to watch the entire hearing

    February 19, 2009
  • On the heels of President Obama’s order sending more troops to Afghanistan, Lieutenant General David Barno of the National Defense University talked about strategy in that country at an event hosted by the American Enterprise…

    February 19, 2009
  • The Office of Management and Budget has released a 62-page memo offering guidance on what your agency should do with money from the economic stimulus plan. I asked Alan Balutis, a long-time Fed now with…

    February 19, 2009