Many have high expectations for President Obama, and some feds are hoping one of his first goals will be to hire more feds. John Palguta is Vice President for Policy at the Partnership for Public…
Senate stimulus bill also contains windfall for federal agencies (GovExec) Obama announces site to track economic stimulus funds (FCW) Survey finds that majority of contractors increased revenue during 2007 (GovExec) Thrift store MP3 player contains…
Dr. Steven Jones Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs, DoD Dr. Gerald Cross Principal Deputy Undersecretary for Health, VA Dr. Robert Kolodner National Coordinator for Health Information Technologies, HHS January 26 and 28th, 2009
Some experts are worried about the country’s infrastructure, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology is trying to help. NIST recently announced nine new awards for research projects to look at the structural health…
The Inauguration is over, but there’s still work to be done by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. Carole Floreman is the committee’s Communications Director and is here to talk about what’s going on.
The Federal Acquisition Regulations Council has been asked to rewrite a rule concerning faulty IT products. One of those groups doing the asking is the Information Technology Association of America. Their Vice President of Federal…
Is the federal government missing out on tax revenue from federal contractors? That’s what the Government Accountability Office wanted to find out. They recently published a study (pdf) that says 83 of the 100 largest…
House Democrats prepare bill to overhaul FDA (GovExec) Veterans bounced by bank error (GovExec) Intell agencies to link databases (GCN) Obama picks new interim GSA chief (GovExec) Acting Director of OPM Named Federal departments fall…
While Defense Secretary Robert Gates is staying on at the Pentagon, almost all of those directly under him are leaving. The Senate Armed Services Committee held a confirmation hearing for four of those potential new…
Members of Congress are trying once more to push legislation on the Hill that would provide all federal employees with four weeks of paid parental leave. The measure passed the House last year, but was…
One of the groups charged with helping to clean up the air is making history. The National Urban Air Toxics Research Center Board got its first Hispanic board member. Dr. Jane Delgado was named to…
Now that President Obama is in office, many are wondering what is going to change for those C-Level positions in the federal government. One of those jobs is that of the Chief Financial Officer. Samuel…
Many Bush Officials Held Over at DHS (WashingtonPost) GAO Details a Bloated Budget for Government Contracts (WashingtonPost) Intel nominee would scale back contractors (FederalTimes) Casting a wide telework net (FCW) Clinton vows robust diplomacy as…
Tax returns were one of the focal points of the Senate Finance Committee confirmation hearing for Timothy Geithner to become Treasury Secretary. Mr. Geithner answered questions about his personal finances, as well as the deficit…
Presidential transitions bring the huge task of preserving millions of White House records. That job falls to the National Archives and Records Administration. But will it become easier in transitions to come? There’s been a…