Eric Ferraro, who has been the assistant commissioner for GSA’s Integrated Award Environment (IAE) since July 2015, has stepped down, and Terry Milholland, the IRS CIO and CTO, left after eight years when his term under a special hiring authority expired.
A legislative assistant for Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas), one of the key players on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said members are warming to the administration's idea to develop a $3.1 billion IT Modernization Fund. But he said some members of Congress are debating other alternatives to the fund.
Commerce Department CIO Steven Cooper says he'd like to see more flexibility when it comes to acquisition and collaboration with industry. One way to get it, he says, is through added language in the IT Modernization Fund.
Keith Wilson, the chief information officer of Federal Student Aid in the Education Department, said the FSA-ID portal is getting a facelift one year after it launched.
DoD Chief Information Officer Terry Halvorsen said he plans to phase out the secure identity card over the next two years and replace it with better multi-factor authentication.
Jason Gray comes over to the Education Department from the Transportation Department to replace Danny Harris as the CIO. State Department CIO Steve Taylor is expected to move to a new position in the coming month as well.
Administrator Denise Turner Roth said all facets of GSA will need to support the standup of the Technology Transformation Service.
The Office of Personnel Management posted a job announcement June 1 for a new chief information officer.
The 2016 Management of Change conference sponsored by ACT-IAC provided several memorable, newsworthy moments this year.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said he was warming up to the idea of the fund, but wants assurances that the money will be spent wisely and receive a return on investment.
Austin Adams, vice president for public sector for Alfresco, highlights how agencies can improve the way they manage information in meeting a host of the administration’s requirements.
Federal CIO Tony Scott said new data from government contractors shows billions of dollars are going to maintain hardware and software that either is no longer supported by the manufacturer or will no longer be supported in the next three years.
Commerce, Energy, Labor and NASA told House lawmakers how they each are meeting the spirit and intent of the IT reform law.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will hold a hearing May 25 on legacy IT systems where Federal CIO Tony Scott will have maybe the administration’s best chance to make its case for Congress to support the IT Modernization Fund.
In a step that may go some way toward reducing some of the red tape between the Defense Department and cloud computing vendors, the Department of the Navy (DoN) said last week that the Navy and Marine Corps can sign off on their own business cases for migrating to commercial cloud vendors without seeking higher-level approval.