Dave McClure, the associate administrator in the OCSIT, and Kathy Conrad, the principal deputy associate administrator joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the work the office does and the progress on cloud-computing security standards in particular.
The committee charged with assuring cloud computing services meet federal cyber standards under the FedRAMP program will have seven broad responsibilities.
Dennis Wisnosky, the chief architect and chief technical officer of the Business Mission Area at the Defense Department\'s Office of Business Transformation, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the Defense Department\'s path to the cloud.
The space agency\'s CIO Linda Cureton said the I3P contracts are helping NASA stay on pace as technology matures. The agency already is seeing benefits from the three awards made in 2011. February 23, 2012
The Army and DISA are using more disciplined processes to implement technology upgrades. Email-in-the-cloud also is giving the Army better a firmer cyber posture, and it opens the door for a host of emerging technologies because of better identity management.
The Navy is in the early stages of trying to figure out how to move from a net-centric view of its information systems to one that focuses on the data itself. The service is looking to the experiences of the intelligence community to improve data tagging and data sharing.
Deputy CIO Mike Krieger said the Secretary of the Army certified the program as technically and financially sound.
Brand Niemann, the former senior enterprise architect and data scientist at the Environmental Protection Agency, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the similarity between the new shared-services strategy and an older plan known as service-oriented architecture.
The goal is for agencies to offer on a fee-for-service basis excess cloud capacity. GSA\'s Dave McClure said financial management, human resources, customer relationship management and geospatial services are some of the possible offerings.
Cloudera CEO Mike Olson joins host John Gilroy to talk about how his company can help you with big data. February 14, 2012
The agency hired CGI Federal to move its application from the Interior Department to the private cloud.
Cathy Flickinger said her biggest challenge is keeping the IT operations going while her bureau\'s building is upgraded. She has moved mission critical apps and websites to the cloud. February 9, 2012
Gunnar Hellekson, the chief technolgoy strategist for Red Hat\'s U.S. public sector group, joined Industry Chatter with Francis Rose to discuss virtualization and the subscription model for agency IT.
Under the new concept of operations, the interagency board now is letting vendors submit their cloud services for approval without first having to have a contract. The document details three major areas of how the FedRAMP process will work. The program management office will release two other major documents in the coming months to further detail the cloud security process.
Josh Stephens, vice president of Technology at J&J Solarwinds, joins host John Gilroy to talk about how his company can help you with common cloud issues. February 7, 2012