"Drive-by" malware infected more than ten million computers in February, according to a statistical analysis by Barracuda Labs. "Drive-by" malware describes files that people download from a site without knowing where it came from or what it really does.
The cybersecurity response center at the IRS is mostly working, according to a new report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. However, in the report, Treasury Inspector General J. Russell George said that the Computer Security Incident Response Center isn't reporting every computer security incident as it's supposed to.
The legislative committee of the Council of the Inspectors General has weighed in on two Senate cybersecurity bills. The Cybersecurity Act of 2012 was introduced by Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.). Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), introduced the SECURE IT act.
A group calling itself \"Lulzsec Reborn\" claims to have hacked into the private information of 170,000 members of a military dating website. However, the owner of the website disputed the claim, since the dating service has only 140,000 members.
Agencies and companies can use CAPTCHA to make sure only people, and not bots, access certain websites.
The U.S. is host almost half of the systems infected with the botnet kownn as SpyEye, according to a new study from South Korea-based AhnLab.
\"Weaponized Word\" files are starting to tear up Mac computers, InfoSecurity reports. The documents take advantage of an existing weakness in the Mac version of Microsoft Office.
The Federal Aviation Administration has chosen cybersecurity firm Lunarline to lock down personally identifiable information in its systems. The company says it\'ll help the agency prevent unauthorized access and disclosure of such material.
Center CIO Mike Bolger said encrypting laptops and implementing logical access are among his top priorities in 2012. Kennedy Space Center also is exploring how to let employees using their personal smartphones or tablet computers on the network. March 29, 2012
Gregory Wilshusen, GSA\'s director of information security issue, discussed a recent report about IT supply chain risks with The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp
Kshemendra Paul, Information Sharing Environment\'s program manager, joined The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp at the Acquisition Excellence Conference in Washington.
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration told a House panel it is trying to expand deployment of technology known as DNS-SEC.
The Pentagon still is responding to major cyber attacks on the nation after the fact, the military\'s top cyber official said Tuesday. It would rather stop them before they succeed.
Two GAO reports find agencies lack oversight and controls over ensuring vendors buy the components for hardware and software from trusted sources. DoD is ahead of most agencies. It is using intelligence expertise to secure the supply chain of national security systems.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee unveiled a bill to overhaul a decade-old law detailing how federal agencies protect their computer networks from cybersecurity threats. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the chairman of the committee, told Federal News Radio the Office of Management and Budget is better poised to be a \"fair arbitrator\" than the Homeland Security Department.