CIO Council offers advice on improving agency input on IT security
As early as this Friday, President Obama is expected to receive a the results of a top-to-bottom review of the nation’s cybersecurity program. The president ordered the review 60 days ago and is expected to…
Survey finds bigger cybersecurity lapses at smaller agencies.
Employees may be one of the real risks to cybersecurity in your organization. A survey by Applied Research and Symantec shows that human error and deliberate sabotage cause large amounts of data to be lost…
The National Institutes of Standards and Technology is updating a nearly four-year-old publication that guides how agencies protect their computer networks. NIST is trying to help agencies battle the changing nature of the cyber threat…
How secure are the 98,000 desktop and laptop computers at the Internal Revenue Service? Peggy Begg is the Assistant Inspector General for Security and Information Technology Audits with the Treasury Department. She joins us to…
Once again, the world of networked computers held its collective breath last week. Would the Confickr worm morph on April Fool’s Day into real malware? It did not. Why not? Probably for a couple of…
Rep. Langevin says OMB may get increased staff instead
Cybersecurity is constantly evolving. Each year, Cisco taps into some 400 cybersecurity officials across the organization to assess the state of cybersecurity, and they have a new report out on the subject. And there is…
Cloud computing is coming — and that it probably should — that’s the gist of a new report by Marketspace, Envisioning the Cloud: The next computing paradigm. Many agencies are looking at cloud computing, including…
File sharing software. It’s great for trading music and pictures. That’s why millions of people use it. Trouble is, file sharing leaves your entire hard drive open for sharing if someone types in the right…
We’re learning more about how sensitive diagrams of Marine One got into the hands of a computer user in Iran. CNN Washington Correspondent Brian Todd tells us that the defense subcontractor actually took the information…
$355 million. That’s how much President Barack Obama wants for the Homeland Security Department’s cybersecurity budget in 2010. GCN reports that the money would support the department’s role in the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, among…
Paul Wohlleben Chairman of the CIO Survey Task Force, Grant Thornton March 5, 2009