
  • NASA\'s Kepler mission has confirmed the discovery of its first rocky planet, named Kepler-10-b. It\'s 1-point-four times the size of Earth, making it the smallest planet ever discovered outside our solar system. Team leaders at NASA\'a Ames Research Center in California say it\'s also the first solid evidence of a rocky planet orbiting a star other than our sun. The size of the exoplanet can be derived from periodic dips in brightness. Kepler\'s ultra-precise photometer measures the tiny decrease in a star\'s brightness that happen when a planet crosses in front of it. The distance between the planet and the star is calculated by measuring the time between successive dips as the planet orbits the star. As a result of the analysis, that star orbited by the planet - Kepler-10 - is now one of the most well-characterized planet-hosting stars in the universe.

    January 17, 2011
  • If agencies can\'t eliminate data loss, surely there has to be something that can be done to minimize it? We ask Neustar\'s Rodney Joffe.

    January 17, 2011
  • The FDIC is warning banks about phishing emails being sent out informing recipients that the FDIC\'s deposit insurance for their accounts had been suspended because of Patriot Act violations.

    January 17, 2011
  • Very few single cyber-related events have the capacity to cause global shock, but...

    January 17, 2011
  • Welcome to telework, Mister First Nighter! Six quick tips on how to make that first telework snowday a success.

    January 17, 2011
  • The Navy\'s top IT official ordered the entire service not to spend any money for new or upgraded servers and data centers. This comes as the service prepares to release its enterprise data center consolidation strategy in March.

    January 14, 2011
  • The Defense Department’s social media policy was set to expire March 1, GovLoop reported this week. Any long-term policy had been “shelved indefinitely,” according to the blog post. But Wired reported Friday that the Pentagon…

    January 14, 2011
  • The Naval Academy\'s Andrew Phillips explains the shift in the 166-year-old institution\'s curriculum.

    January 14, 2011
  • We talk about innovation all the time but now there’s this new term — “open innovation.” Dustin Haisler is the director of innovation for Spigit and was formerly chief information officer for the town of…

    January 14, 2011
  • Analog Devices\' Sam Fuller explains how the future of computer speed impacts how your agency gets information.

    January 14, 2011
  • GovInfoSecurity reports on a new application for smartphones designed to recruit cybersecurity professionals.

    January 14, 2011
  • GovInfoSecurity reports that IT jobs hit 4 million in the past four quarters.

    January 14, 2011
  • The controversial project to build an electronic fence along the country\'s southern border is being terminated.

    January 14, 2011
  • NextGov reports that GSA has terminated the contract with Hewlett Packard to develop an electronic health system for the military.

    January 14, 2011



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