
  • Ed Felten, the FTC\'s new chief technologist, explains what his goals are with the agency.

    November 15, 2010
  • Adrian Gardner has been the chief information officer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for 10 months. Federal News Radio’s Jason Miller spoke with Gardner recently about his priorities for the agency. Gardner says one of his goals is to understand the needs of the scientific community. If you look at computing here at Goddard [...]

    November 15, 2010
  • The deputy administrator for E-Gov and IT in OMB will take on a deputy program manager role to help improve information sharing across law enforcement agencies.

    November 15, 2010
  • TechCrunch says phone calls are on their way out.

    November 15, 2010
  • Blogger Yasmin Fodil offers five tips to train future leaders in technology and Gov 2.0.

    November 15, 2010
  • Mashable\'s Pete Cashmere writes in CNN that Facebook may be unveiling an e-mail service.

    November 15, 2010
  • USA Today reports the public submitted 123,000 ideas to BP on how to stop the oil flow and clean up the spill.

    November 15, 2010
  • Video teleconferencing is more than an alternative to travel at the Defense Information Systems Agency. In fact, the demand for the agency\'s VTC facilities is exceeding expectations. It\'s no wonder then that the agency announced last week that it was re-awarding AT&T a contract to continue maintaining DISA\'s Video Services - Global (DVS-G) VTC system. \"Telepresence is quite effective, in lieu of face-to-face meetings, in reducing the requirement for frequent travel,\" said Julia Brown, project manager for Defense Information Systems Network Video Services at DISA, said in an email to Federal News Radio. \"Our challenge is keeping up with current level of demand.\" The agency has two telepresence options for employees to use. The Defense Connect Online (DCO) system allows employees to connect using equipment located at their desks. DCO is available to all authorized Defense Department employees DISA\'s other option is their VTC system that connects employees through rooms containing video teleconferencing equipment that function much like television studios, Brown said. The rooms are linked electronically allowing the participants in one room to see and hear the participants in the other rooms. Participants schedule a meeting through VTC coordinators and DISA maintains VTC facilities at military bases around the world. \"It saves travel time and expenditures while allowing all participants to engage fully in meetings across the world,\" Brown said. \"Our senior leaders use it for high-level meetings with other senior leaders in the DoD, but DISA also uses it for when we need all our agency employees around the world to meet for important issues, such as an all-hands meeting with our director.\" AT&T, which currently owns a majority of and maintains all of equipment and software under the DVS-G contract, has been DISA\'s vendor since 1997. The company currently is on its second contract with the agency. The current contract is worth up to $244.8 million. In early November, DISA announced that they would award AT&T a new sole-source contract, continuing the company\'s stewardship of VTC services for up to another five years. The new contract has a two-year base, with three one-year options. The new contract will be awarded effective Nov 30. \"VTC has proven useful across the world, allowing our senior leaders to see the body language of meeting participants, assisting in a better understanding of objections, reservations, or approval,\" Brown said. Next week, the Video Teleconferencing Center takes an in-depth look at DISA\'s DCO system.

    November 15, 2010
  • Every federal employee is supposed to have a Secure ID card under HSPD-12, a Bush-era presidential directive. If an agency wants those cards made by another federal agency, there\'s only one choice: the GPO. GPO\'s Steve LeBlanc explains why.

    November 15, 2010
  • Raytheon and Cisco are joining up to expand the Wounded Warrior Project. The programs they are sponsoring make it easier for wounded servicemen and women to re-enter the workplace with the skills they need to become cybersecurity professionals.

    November 15, 2010
  • Chertoff wants to see the nation\'s cyber defense increased, telling the BBC that cyberspace is just as integral to our nation\'s security as ground, sea and air warfare.

    November 15, 2010
  • Futurologists gather to discuss the workforce of 2020.

    November 14, 2010
  • November 16th, 2010 at 12:00PM Work is something you do, not someplace you go. Federal Agencies are looking at Telework as a way to lower the cost of government, attract and retain top talent, enable emergency readiness plans, lower their carbon footprint, and take advantage of technology improvements to work more efficiently. The current administration recognizes the opportunity to leverage telework to solve some of the government\'s greatest challenges, and has long championed the economic and social benefits of telework expansion. FedsTelework, a FedScoop production, is pleased to bring you a panel discussion with Government IT leaders including Bill Piatt from GSA and Pamela Budda from DOD to discuss telework solutions in the federal government.

    November 12, 2010
  • The service issued a memo detailing a common operating environment architecture as part of a broader software transition strategy. The strategy builds on the experiences of the Apps for the Army program. The service is developing plans for Apps for the Army 2 next summer focusing on industry-created software.

    November 12, 2010



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