
  • The Technology CEO Council is making recommendations to streamline technology that could save the government $1 trillion, New York Times reports.

    October 06, 2010
  • Election technology firm Democracy Live is partnering with Microsoft Windows Azure cloud platform to launching LiveBallot, a tool to make it easier for overseas citizens to vote, Government Technology reports.

    October 06, 2010
  • Jim Gwinn grew up on a small family farm in West Virginia. Now he\'s the chief information officer for the Agriculture Department\'s Farm Service Agency (FSA). October 7, 2010

    October 06, 2010
  • The U.S. Postal Service is now the only mailing and shipping company worldwide that provides packaging supplies that are \"Cradle to Cradle Certified.\" This means that all 175 materials used by its 58 suppliers to make stamps and stamped products have been assessed, and meet requirements for, their impact on human and environmental health, recyclability and compostability. The Postal Service says in 2009 it provided one billion eco-friendly mailing and shipping supplies to customers. Technology used to create biodegradable or recyclable materials have allowed the agency\'s sustainability initiatives to cut greenhouse gas production and to save money and resources. Specific achievements include a 10.8 trillion dollar reduction in British Thermal Units in energy use at their facilities since 2005, and $400 million dollars worth of savings in energy costs since 2007.

    October 06, 2010
  • Scientists have long imagined what could be done if they could engineer a cilia-like biosensor. Now, scientists at the University of Southern Mississippi have for the first time, imitated Mother Nature by developing a skinny-molecule-based material that resembles the tiny, hair-like structures organisms use to smell, hear, and see. They\'ve developed a new thin copolymer film with whisker-like formations that mimic the natural material. It responds to thermal, chemical, and electromagnetic stimulation, and allows researchers to control it which, they say, opens unlimited possibilities, including testing for the presence of toxins, oxygen or the lack of oxygen in an environment. Future uses could include testing glucose levels, drug testing, or for air or water safety.

    October 06, 2010
  • Adobe patched 23 security vulnerabilities in its Reader PDF viewer on Tuesday, setting a record for 2010.

    October 06, 2010
  • A former deputy director of the NSA has urged CIOs to become more proactive in their approach to corporate security consciousness.

    October 06, 2010
  • Agriculture plans to update its second version of its green IT strategy this year. State is implementing power management tools and could save almost $2 million. Both agencies are making headway to change the culture of how IT is used by their respective employees.

    October 06, 2010
  • Move over radar... it won\'t be long before that decades-old technology is replaced by satellites to track all aircraft in U.S. airspace. The Federal Aviation Administration has given the green light for a full-scale, nationwide deployment of a new satellite-based surveillance system called Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast, or ADS-B. The technology has been successfully rolled out at four key testing sites. The FAA says the system tracks aircraft with greater accuracy, integrity and reliability than radar-based systems. Controller screens update more frequently and show more detailed information, including the type of aircraft, its call sign, heading, altitude and speed. Every part of the country now covered by radar will eventually have ADS-B coverage. Nationwide coverage is expected to be complete by 2013.

    October 05, 2010
  • Government Executive Editor-in-Chief Tom Shoop describes agencies\' need to change cultures to attract a young IT workforce.

    October 05, 2010
  • Marian Van Pelt, a principal with ICF International, describes how you can measure your sustainability efforts.

    October 05, 2010
  • USDA plans for second version of green IT strategy, Federal News Radio\'s Jason Miller reports.

    October 05, 2010
  • Social engineering targets you in a cyber attack -- often with your help. The DorobekINSIDER\'s guests were Chris Hadnagy operations manager at Offensive Security; Jim O\'Gorman, consultant at Continuum Worldwide; and Mati Aharoni, the founder of Offensive Security.

    October 05, 2010
  • Deputy Defense Secretary says information technology, and the world\'s reliance on it, has redefined the front lines of national security.

    October 05, 2010



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