For too long, the budget and appropriations process hampered agencies and their ability to buy and modernize legacy IT systems, Federal CIO Tony Scott said. The Office of Management and Budget is submitting its proposal to Congress for a $3.1 billion IT modernization fund.
Each year, the Defense Department awards grants to some of the top researchers and engineers, who are known as National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellows. Melissa Flagg, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for research, and chemist Chad Mirkin of Northwestern University, a faculty fellow specializing in nanotechnology, talked about the program on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
John Hill, the Bureau of Fiscal Service’s assistant commissioner for payments and chief disbursing officer, said agencies are getting ahead of the OMB deadline to move to electronic invoice processing by 2018 by moving to the Invoice Processing Platform (IPP).
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said his agency is working to both strengthen the security around taxpayer information, while also allowing taxpayers access to their own data. And doing it on a smaller budget and with fewer IT experts.
Mixing up cause and effect or finding effect when there's no cause, this way of thinking is particularly reckless for federal agencies.
Craig Lund, CEO of SecureAuth, makes the case for why agencies should move to advanced two-factor authentication more quickly.
The Navy's top energy official said he thinks the tide is turning in Congress when it comes to green energy and the military.
The Homeland Security Department created a how-to guide for mobile apps for developers, business owners and others to help overcome some common challenges when moving toward a digital government.