The Homeland Security Department added a netflow analysis capability to its Enhanced Cybersecurity Services (ECS) program and released interim guidance for private sector cyber threat and vulnerability information sharing.
Individual DoD components are still, to a large extent, on their own when it comes to picking a provider and shepherding them through the military’s security approval process. The Navy hopes to change that beginning next month with a managed service it’s calling its “Cloud Store.”
A message to the fleet dated Feb. 5 says administrators of all unclassified systems have only one week left to implement two-factor authentication using Common Access Cards.
GSA issued a request for quotes under the Alliant Small Business governmentwide acquisition contract to modernize three major acquisition data systems, including
The Government Accountability Office ruled the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s voluntary BYOD program doesn’t violate any laws.
Danny Harris, the Education Department’s chief information officer for the last seven years, decided to retire after 32 years in government.
With all of the cybersecurity guidance already out there, is there anything a new commission can add except more weight and complexity?
While the FBI remains in the planning stages of its new headquarters construction project, the agency's new biometrics technology center has been working on projects to build on the breakthrough successes it's had with fingerprint technology.