Steve Harris, vice president and general manager with Dell Federal Systems, joins host John Gilroy to discuss the future of FITARA and how his company can help federal agencies implement FITARA initiatives. January 12, 2016
Open records watchdogs in Congress say excessive fees, delayed deadlines and overuse of redactions are harming the Freedom of Information Act process.
The Education Department holds personal data on almost half of the people in the United States. House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said the department’s databases are vulnerable and could lead to the biggest cyber breach ever. Federal News Radio Scott Maucione shares more on what's going on with the Education Department on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
The Senate IT working group is circulating a discussion draft of a cloud bill to improve FedRAMP and create a new fund at GSA to help pay for cloud transitions.
The annual IT budget guidance doesn't include any new initiatives, but several agency CIOs said they were pleased with OMB's support of their IT budget requests.
The 4th quarter update on details progress and plans for 2016.
The most read reporter's notebooks in 2015 had a variety of topics, but cybersecurity and personnel changes seemed to be most popular.
When the first Pulsar came out at $500, no one knew it would be nearly free in a couple of years. Now we know better.