Tom Temin

  • Congress and the Defense Department have imposed a comprehensive set of ethics procedures to make sure staff departures remain kosher. But the inspector general found those procedures aren't always followed to the letter. Assistant Deputy IG Joe Baker shares more on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    May 24, 2016
  • Too many federal sites feel dated or present a confusing face. But now they have a better-than-even chance of improvement.

    May 24, 2016
  • David Rosinski, information systems security manager at the Naval Computer and Telecomunications Area Master Station in Rota, Spain, organized a cybersecurity awareness campaign for the local military community that raised some eyebrows. He joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to talk about being a finalist in the Government Information Security Leadership Awards program put on by the ISC(2) group.

    May 23, 2016
  • Long-term care is among the most expensive insurance options. Now everybody knows the 95-year-old widow who still mows the grass and shovels the snow herself, but the odds aren't that good. Tammy Flanagan, senior benefits director of the National Institute of Transition Planning, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin how you might want to think about it.

    May 23, 2016
  • Each year, Deloitte and the Partnership for Public Service rank federal agencies in their Best Places to Work listings. To find new insights, the authors are taking a closer look at agencies with similar missions. On Federal Drive with Tom Temin, David Dye, director of Deloitte's Federal Human Capital Services. tells Federal News Radio's Eric White some of the differences between federal law enforcement agencies at the top and bottom of the rankings.

    May 23, 2016
  • The Peace Corps will establish operations in Vietnam as part of President Barack Obama's announced improvement in ties between the former enemy nations.

    May 23, 2016
  • Maybe you should look into Capital Bikeshare to get to work. Or paddling the Potomac.

    May 23, 2016
  • The Office of Personnel Management's cybersecurity breach stands as a kind of watershed. But results from a survey by ISC(2) and KPMG show the lessons may not have penetrated the ranks of federal security chiefs. Dan Waddell, managing director for North America with ISC(2) and Tony Hubbard, a principal with KPMG, share more on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    May 20, 2016
  • In the age of cyber attacks, it's a little tougher to know exactly what constitutes an act of war. But it's a question of growing importance. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) thinks the administration ought to define a cyber act of war. He talks to Federal Drive with Tom Temin about legislation he introduced to do just that.

    May 20, 2016
  • The National Weather Service's Global Forcecast System has twice the resolution as before, promising to have profound effect on weather forecasting. Joining me to explain it all, the National Weather Service director Dr. Louis Uccellini, NWS director, shares the details on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    May 20, 2016
  • The Navy has formed a temporary organization to gather information and investigate a path toward interoperability and integration for its systems.

    May 20, 2016
  • President Obama has nominated Adm. Michelle Howard to be the next head of U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa and Allied Joint Forces Command. Howard would be the first woman to reach the rank of four-star admiral.

    May 20, 2016
  • A cyber attack can do real damage to both computer systems and infrastructure controlled by computer. But would it constitute and act of war?

    May 20, 2016
  • Sometimes the government has really, really specific requirements it puts out for bids. For example, if it needs left-handed forklift operators, you can't bid right-handed ones. Or left-handed front-end loader operators. The Air Force and a company called All World Language Consultants didn't quite follow that policy. Procurement attorney Joseph Petrillo of Petrillo and Powell shares the details on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    May 19, 2016