Tom Temin

  • When President Barack Obama signed the omnibus appropriations bill just before Christmas, he enacted a big boost in dollars going to several science agencies. The increase was even more than the Obama administration had asked for. For analysis of federal 2016 R & D spending, Federal Drive with Tom Temin turned to Matt Hourihan, director of the R&D Budget and Policy program at the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

    January 08, 2016
  • The cuts will happen between now and early April, according to an announcement the Air Force released on Wednesday. They’ll involve 48 separate installations, but they’re not likely to lead to the firings of many individual workers.

    January 08, 2016
  • Do emerging nuclear powers have the systems, know-how, resources and political stability to safeguard these weapons over the long term?

    January 08, 2016
  • Federal contractors got a sort of present for the new year — four new clauses in the Federal Acquisition Regulation to deal with in 2016. They were published in final form early in December. Procurement attorney Joseph Petrillo of the law firm Petrillo and Powell joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin discuss them and how they'll affect government buying.

    January 07, 2016
  • In the aftermath of the botched transition of a childcare subsidy program for military families, the Army and the General Services Administration say they’ve now cleared a backlog of thousands of overdue payments to soldiers. But as Federal News Radio’s Jared Serbu tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin, it will take several more months to get the fee assistance program on even footing.

    January 07, 2016
  • Cloud, cybersecurity and agile development —those are what federal chief information officers and their staffs will be dealing with in 2016. But all three fronts are changing. The Professional Services Council recently completed research interviews on the 2016 federal IT trends. Heading the effort was Kim Pack, the vice president of business capture specialists Wolf Den Associates. She told Federal Drive with Tom Temin how the whole forecast is put together.

    January 07, 2016
  • The Office of Special Counsel unexpectedly withdrew a proposed rule that would've expanded the whistleblower rights of federal contractors. But one expert said that’s not necessarily a bad thing. David Colapinto, general counsel for the National Whistleblowers Center and a partner with the law firm of Cohen, Cohen Colapinto, tells Executive Editor Jason Miller about why OSC’s proposed rule missed the mark and what Congress needs to do to fix federal contractor whistleblower protections. Miller shares the story on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    January 07, 2016
  • The Pentagon is set to review more than 1100 medals issued since the 9/11 terror attacks for possible upgrade to the Medal of Honor.

    January 07, 2016
  • Fast-selling drones exemplify not so much new technology as the combination of existing products in such a way as to make new markets.

    January 07, 2016
  • The FBI and Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms will hire hundreds of new investigators and officers to enforce a series of executive actions the White House thinks will prevent gun violence. President Barack Obama called for more people and a better background check system. Federal News Radio's Nicole Ogrysko tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin several agencies will play a part in implementing the President's executive guidance.

    January 06, 2016
  • An old quip about the Defense Department is that the Navy, Army and Marines all have their own air force. Throw in the Air Force itself and you've got a lot of flying assets. Yet DoD can be surprisingly vague in how it expresses the cost of flight, and how to interpret it. The Rand Corporation looked into this and came up with some recommendations for an activity that costs billions every year. Michael Boito, senior cost analyst at Rand, fills in Federal Drive with Tom Temin on all the details.

    January 06, 2016
  • For the Army's Enterprise Services unit, IT has been a migration from unifying email to rationalizing many widely used services. Doug Haskin, project director for Enterprise Services, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin how Congress gave the whole effort a shot in the arm.

    January 06, 2016
  • In Wednesday's Federal Headlines, a bipartisan group of nine lawmakers are worried that NASA is falling behind in its technology.

    January 06, 2016
  • Record false claims recoveries, increases in minimum wages, rising protests of the big contracts, and new cybersecurity rules and sanctions, even putting tight budgets aside, it's been a tough year for federal contractors. Federal Drive with Tom Temin turns to attorney Tim Sullivan of Thompson Coburn to find out what federal contractors can expect in 2016.

    January 06, 2016