Here are a few encouraging takeaways for the federal workforce after the end of a strenuous year.
In today's Federal Newscast: The Government Publishing Office is out with the latest Plum Book! The Commerce Department IG raises data-quality concerns over 2020 census responses. And the cap on premium overtime pay for certain Secret Service agents is increased.
In today's Federal Newscast: Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) wants to know when and how Federal Employees will get vaccinated. The reenlisted rate in one branch of the military is sky high. And the COVID-19 relief checks are in the mail and being deposited directly.
A National Academies panel commissioned by the State Department shed new light on a disturbing and still mysterious episode of employees in the Cuban embassy reporting headaches, pressure, nausea, strange piercing noises, and cognitive problems from a directed source.
Efforts to increase the number of female, minority and disabled employees have taken place across the intelligence community. But in eight years, GAO says results have been lower than federal standards call for.
The omnibus appropriations bill recently passed by Congress is so large, it took a week to stuff it into whatever antiquated electronic system the Congress operates. But not all federal documents are so fat and bloated.
Although not the best known agency, the CFTC has had a busy period the last couple of years. It's reorganized, established a new division and pursued a record setting agenda.
For more likely scenarios, Federal Drive with Tom Temin turned to the former National Security Agency chief information security officer, now with Fidelis Cybersecurity, Chris Kubic.