Federal Drive

  • The Defense Department inspector general took a look at 48 performance assessment reports prepared by the Air Force and found some weaknesses. Michael Roark, assistant Defense IG for contractor management, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin why Performance Assessment Reports are important and how they're being used.

    March 25, 2016
  • A new report from the Disaster Accountability Project found very few communities have plans to deal with evacuation outside the current 10-mile radius of a nuclear plant. About 100 million Americans live within 50 miles of a nuclear plant. Ben Smilowitz, the advocacy group’s executive director, talked to Federal Drive with Tom Temin about the report’s findings.

    March 25, 2016
  • Dakota Wood, senior research fellow for Defense Programs at the Heritage Foundation, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin how the Defense Department defines modernization and how that differs from what it calls "new capabilities".

    March 25, 2016
  • The House Budget Committee wants to cut non-Defense spending over the next 10 years even lower than what's called for under sequestration. It's calling for a 10 percent reduction in the civilian workforce through attrition.

    March 25, 2016
  • Congress has given the Social Security Administration so many duties over the decades, many Americans aren't even aware of the benefits available to them. Doug Walker, the deputy commissioner of SSA joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss how Social Security communicates with citizens.

    March 24, 2016
  • It's an old rule: A small business can't front for a large business just to get a set-aside contract. But that doesn't keep people from trying. One recent case went two rounds of protest only to prove large and small companies can't exchange a few people and get away with it. Federal Drive with Tom Temin discussed this case with procurement attorney Joseph Petrillo.

    March 24, 2016
  • The Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee approved its spending bill for fiscal 2017 which said no funding can go towards performance awards for executives at the VA.

    March 24, 2016
  • This week's Pentagon Solutions looks at sleep-deprivation among Army soldiers and defective contract at six Navy and Coast Guard shipbuilding programs.

    March 23, 2016
  • The Defense Department’s top tech official said his top worry is the retention and recruitment of talented employees as pay and benefits make it more enticing to work for private companies.

    March 23, 2016
  • People like Andy Grove, brilliant at business though they are, also are driven by a desire to change the world by developing new things or totally disrupting existing things.

    March 23, 2016
  • Federal Drive with Tom Temin discusses the annual Employee Viewpoint Survey and its implications with Mallory Barg Bulman, reseach director for the Partnership for Public Servic

    March 23, 2016
  • Two researchers found the data used to gauge how much corruption takes place in the United States relies on data they describe as sparse and of dubious quality. Professors Adriana Cordis of Winthrop University and Jeffrey Milyo of the University of Missouri argue better data will lead to better understanding of the scope of corruption and how to deal with it. Milyo provides Federal Drive with Tom Temin more about the research.

    March 23, 2016
  • Defense Secretary Ash Carter pleads with Congress to avoid the across-the-board budget cuts of sequestration again. He told the House Armed Services Committee the Defense Department's greatest risk is losing the stability that this year's budget deal gave the department.

    March 23, 2016
  • When it comes to good software, you've got lots of ways to skin the cat. The big debate these days is between traditional, waterfall development and the agile method that's coming into fashion. Bob Tobias, management professor at American University, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin the same thinking applies to organizational change.

    March 22, 2016