Long time benefits show host Bob Leins broadcast his last show. But coverage of retirement and how to build that nest egg will continue on Federal News Network.
The IG report goes on and on, but the theme is clear. The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has an important operational short-fill it's got to fix.
Retirement itself has an uncertain meaning, since people do things after they leave government that seem like work. Sometimes they actually do launch new careers. Others feel fine with traditional retirement.
In moving, DHS S&T reduced its square footage, Rowe said, because it anticipated people would no longer work in the office en masse.
Agencies could enhance customer experience if they could permanently end their backlog of cases. But that requires investment in new staff, processes or tools.
Commissioner Martin O'Malley wants top managers in 4 days a week, but it gets looser the farther out you go
Survey reveals people really treasure work-life balance, even if it meant hypothetically less salary
Unelected civil servants mostly work to stay with the law and administrative norms. The Chevron challenge is complicated.
In reality, snow and other emergencies are never simple affairs. In this case, the OPM declaration plopped into a stew of child care issues and work attitudes bubbling in a soup of uncertainty over permanent telework policy.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's hidden surgery and hospitalization set a bad example on several levels
Former Bureau of Prisons warden says incentive pay at an Illinois facility should be removed and the staff reduced.
The 40-person Chemical Safety Board concentrated on clearing a stuck backlog of investigation reports, making the country safer and employee satisfaction better.
That 5% pay raise for GS federal employees comes with a 25 pay cut for one small group of Bureau of Prison employees.
How come the accomplishments of the Presidential Rank Award winners aren't shouted from the rooftops?
It's hard to go wrong in picking a FEHBP plan, but with a little homework you can make a good thing better