The longer the shutdown goes, the more nerves fray. It's downright crabby out there.
Smartphones and other "cool" gadgets may have killed off what came before them, but now they are starting to show their age.
The shutdown has created a kaleidoscopic of open, sort-of-open and closed federal operations. As it spins, the effects spread wider and wider.
Evidence that many feds live paycheck-to-paycheck is not merely anecdotal.
It doesn't look promising today, but maybe divided government will somehow get the shutdown out of irons.
If my dinner group can figure it out, why can't the politicians?
Finally OPM has a home-page link to vital shutdown information.
We all try to write and publish what you need and like to read about.
The parties settle in for siege rather than work 'round the clock.
There's little effect on the public so far, but that will change the longer this partial government shutdown goes on.
Presidential Rank Awards represent what we hope is the norm for federal service.
The Justice Department's Bureau of Prisons operates with a complex stew of issues affecting prisoners and guards alike.
Task Force offers both new and old ideas for fixing the cash-poor Postal Service.
Now higher on the intellectual property theft food chain are industrial products and integrated circuits, which can weaken national security.
AI research aims not just for brain-like intelligence but also the brain's low power requirements.