One prominent attorney believes MSPB is signaling to Congress it doesn't like the curtailment of employee civil rights.
While you can make some comparisons, The F-35-as-Edsel is an imperfect analogy. And not a particularly useful one.
My first thought on seeing the news on my smartphone with near-simultaneous alerts from four major news organizations: Oh, here comes another ugly battle in Washington.
The discovery demonstrates the ability of government to advance basic research by committing grants to responsible people.
The U.S. military strategy for the current world: Take a given-sized ball of dough and stretch it into a wider but thinner pie crust.
Banged-up cars and seizing ship engines. A slice of federal programs isn't going as planned.
An incident in the TSA's Las Vegas "Pre store" shows data sharing and database matching don't always align the way they should.
If the White House vetted and hired Ashkan Soltani, it could not have known or expected his security clearance would not come through.
Indiana avoided $80 million in what the feds would call improper payments, and now the crooked filers are moving on.
FBI Director Jim Comey should drive out to the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency campus on the outskirts of Fort Belvoir.
'Midshippie' does have a hip sort of ring, can be spoken or sung, and it would sound perfect if shouted out by a drill instructor at a cadet (cadette?).
Using a particular BPA might help the governmentwide picture, but it won't necessarily help individual agencies manage their own expenses.
The great CEOs of American history make up a ceaselessly fascinating bunch. Movies, though, not so much.
A Region 5 email reads like CYA, not someone with the power to do something, jumping in and helping with the real problem.
Fear of asteroids can conjures up snickers, like worries of a spaceship veering in on the National Mall. In reality, asteroids whack at the Earth regularly.