Companies like Boeing must deal with a regulatory environment, the compliance to which is a major corporate function in itself.
Federal wastebooks do make fun reading, and they do manage to portray some of the absurdity that creeps into an organization as vast as the U.S. federal government. My problem is that the effort is froth.
When it comes to mental application, men don't have it over women. Only today's training and the ultimate goal matter.
Speed matters, says Federal Drive host Tom Temin. When Defense Secretary Robert Gates stomped and hollered when MRAPs weren't there during the height of the Iraq war, by golly, DoD found a contractor to build them in march time.
"I'm telling you right now, 10 years from now if the first person through a breach isn't a fricking robot, shame on us." -- Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work
Vendors chide the government for keeping programs running that were coded in COBOL. But there's still life in the market of this much maligned language.
As agencies with crucial missions stumble out of mistakes, don't forget to celebrate the small victories.
Don't casually plunge into shared services. Treat it like a major project and make your approach as carefully as you would a major acquisition, says Federal Drive host Tom Temin.
No one seems to find a better alternative to this persistent analog throwback, says Federal Drive host Tom Temin.
The 1033 program contributes only a fraction of the federal resources that result in what some believe are overly militarized local police departments.
Federal Drive host Tom Temin says the latest analysis from the Heritage Foundation paints a grim picture of U.S. military strength.
Is Koskinen a cover-up crook, a bag man for the Obama administration or an honest guy simply trying to clean up a scandal?
The big stories that have broken are more about beginnings than conclusions.
Simulation exercises need not apply only to technical responses to cyber attacks. How management handles emergencies can determine how well an organization recovers from the damage, says Federal Drive host Tom Temin.
Federal websites tend to resemble retail sites because they have a more concentrated purpose than simply generating clicks.