"I think HUBzone in enforcing and applying its existing rules, has become pretty strict on things like definition of an employee," Shane McCall said.
"Health care in the United States apparently contributes to about 10% of greenhouse gases," Jennifer Baptiste said.
Ahead of the new postal health program's launch in 2025, the Office of Personnel Management has created a landing page with more information.
The yearly fiscal crisis and threats of appropriation lapses affect the contractor industry no less than government employees and the programs they conduct.
"The biggest challenge on this has been the cost of repeal," NARFE's staff vice president John Hatton said.
"When you have two-thirds plus of the active duty military force that's obese ... you know you've got a huge problem," Stephen Cheney said.
"I think the draft in the future scenario would look less like it did in Vietnam and more like it did during the world wars," Taren Sylvester said.
Congress has until the end of the month to reauthorize Overseas Comparability Pay.