In today's Federal Newscast, the Postal Service says millenials received significantly less mail in 2017 than the year before. Meanwhile Mitch McConnell said he has no plans to shut down the government over President Trump’s push for border wall funds.
In today's Federal Newscast, a newly passed House bill would reform the way the Veterans Affairs Department hires human resources people.
An experienced government hand takes over Veterans Affairs and its raft of troubles.
Preparations for a new appeals process at the Veterans Benefits Administration are two-thirds of the way complete, but IT upgrades have fallen behind.
Bloomberg Government Editorial Director Loren Duggan joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin for more details for more on Congress' dealings this week.
Medical house calls largely disappeared sometime in the 1960s but now they're making a comeback, only virtually.
In today's Federal Newscast, the president has named Tamara Bonzanto to take over as the new assistant secretary for the Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection at the Veterans Affairs Department.
The Government Accountability Office found evidence of potential whistleblower retaliation and conflicts of interest among investigations of senior officials at the Veterans Affairs Department.
The housing stipend and reduction in housing allowance provisions are the hardest to implement and have the most sweeping impact.
A bill that passed the House and is pending in the Senate seeks to curb misuse of federal credit cards in the Veterans Affairs Department.
An internal poll of FBI employees has revealed a striking drop in confidence in the vision of FBI Director Christopher Wray and the bureau's senior leadership.
House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Phil Roe (R-Tenn.) said he's less concerned by the VA's measure of disciplinary actions and more concerned about whether whistleblowers feel they can approach leadership with their concerns.
The Veteran Affairs Department has been told it can help stem the rise in veteran suicides by speeding the hiring process for mental health workers.
The Veterans Affairs Department now has at least seven top leadership positions that are vacant or led by acting officials.
House Democrats are increasing their pressure on President Donald Trump to rescind his recent executive orders on official time and collective bargaining.