Despite our high-tech, all electronic world, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says resumes rule if you want to get in or get ahead.
HR consultant Nancy Segal joins host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn to discuss why well-crafted resumes are still the key to landing a federal job and building a career in government. January 11, 2017
The vast majority of federal employees who responded to a Federal News Radio poll said they have no plans to retire for political reasons during the administration of President-elect Donald Trump.
If Congress reinstates the Holman rule, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know what's next: dunking stools along the Potomac?
The Food and Drug Administration's headquarters in White Oak, Maryland needs some work to address cramped office space and a lack of parking spots. But government auditors say the agency needs to do a better job linking its strategic mission with future facilities plans.
The Office of Personnel Management published updated instructions for agencies to assign revised standard codes to their cybersecurity positions. It's one of several recent steps the administration has taken to implement the Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Assessment Act, which Congress passed at the end of 2015.
The Office of Personnel Management says it's spent the past eight years working within the confines of current laws and regulations to modernize the federal personnel system and help agencies better recruit, hire and retain talented employees. But as the Obama administration winds down, OPM suggested that future administrations should more seriously discuss reform to those civil service regulations.
A final rule from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requires federal agencies to increase their workforce to include more people with disabilities, and provide them personal assistance if needed.
Evan Lesser, president of, joins host Derrick Dortch on this week's Fed Access to discuss job opportunities in 2017 for workers with security clearances. January 6, 2016
The Air Force is selecting its biggest class ever to participate in the Career Intermission Program.
Suppose, after inauguration, President Donald Trump did impose a federal hiring freeze, easier firing and no more union work during regular hours. What might that effect be after 100 days? For one perspective, Federal News Radio's Eric White spoke with Bob Tobias, professor in the Key Executive Leadership Program at American University, on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
With the final release of the long-awaited federal HR policy rewrite, agencies will see shorter future Federal Employee Viewpoint Surveys and fewer human capital management reporting requirements.
The Air Force will implement a new civilian evaluation system next spring to increase communication between supervisors and employees.
The 2017 defense authorization bill increases the amount DoD workers get for leaving their jobs by $15,000. The bill, signed into law by President Obama on Friday, provides up to $40,000 in retirement incentives for eligible civilian employees.
Veterans Affairs Deputy Secretary Sloan Gibson wrote to Congress this week, asking that it begin work immediately to repeal cuts to the agency's award and incentive spending. Congress cut VA's performance bonus budget by about 20 percent next year to cover opioid-addiction treatment programs for veterans.