Bob Peck, commissioner of GSA\'s Public Buildings Service, says his agency is leading by example in energy efficiency.
Raj Kuchadkar, Deputy Director of the Howard County BRAC Office and the Base Business Initiative (BBI) program joins host Mark Amtower to talk about the BBI program as it enters Phase 3. October 31, 2011(Encore presentation November 7, 2011)
Tim Unruh, program manager at the Energy Department\'s Federal Energy Management Program, shared tips on how agencies can become more energy efficient.
The Obama administration announced the release of the second annual sustainability performance plan for federal agencies at the annual Green Gov Symposium.
Michael Robertson, GSA\'s chief of staff, provided an update on the agency\'s continuing green and clean energy efforts.
Dorothy Robyn, the deputy undersecretary of defense for installations and environment, said DoD is taking the lead in helping clean energy companies clear the commercialization hurdle.
STRATFOR Vice President of Intelligence Fred Burton joins host Derrick Dortch on today\'s show. October 28, 2011
The Air Force wants to fulfill half of its U.S.-based jet fuel needs with alternative fuels by 2016 and expects to be ready for that target ahead of time. But, with the view that it is a consumer, not a producer of energy, the service says it doesn\'t intend to play a direct role in helping to develop biofuel technologies.
OPM developing competency models for performance improvement officers and chief operating officers as part of its requirements under the GPRA Modernization Act. DHS moves to agile development to fix the HSIN program. NIST to update HSPD-12 card requirements to meet mobile needs.
OMB raised the savings or cost avoidance goal by $500 million by the end of 2012. Since March, agencies got rid of 1,400 excess or underutilized properties. But the government added 1,500 new ones to the list.
The Pentagon will soon announce winners of its latest round of grant funding to try out new energy technologies at its U.S. bases. The response from industry and other government agencies has been overwhelming, officials said.
The Navy is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to find alternatives to fossil fuels. A parallel effort aims to engrain energy efficiency into the way the service buys the ships and planes it will own for the next few decades.
OFPP issued a new memo encouraging departments to consider if the product or service they are buying meets sustainable standards. The memo is another in a series of directives to green the government.
Richard Knight, principal/vice-president of Aercrete Advantage LLC, joins host Mark Amtower to talk about the work being done by his company. October 3, 2011
How does your agency compare to others when it comes to allowing employees to telework? The latest Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey gives some insight.