Workforce Rights/Governance

  • Joan Melanson from Long Term Care Partners and retirement benefits specialist James Marshall will talk about the retirement and insurance options that feds should consider. May 18, 2012

    May 18, 2012
  • The Federal Drive talks to Susan Grundmann, the chairwoman of the Merit Systems Protection Board, about changes to federal employment cases. Plus, interviews with top officials from the Broadcasting Board of Governors and GSA's Public Buildings Service.

    May 18, 2012
  • CIO Tommy Hwang said the agency is receiving more documents electronically from agencies and law firms than ever before. He also is moving the email system to the cloud and developing a BYOD policy. May 17, 2012(Encore presentation June 28, 2012)

    May 17, 2012
  • State and local investigations make it difficult for investigators to probe possible Hatch Act violations by federal employees, said Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner. The Office of Special Counsel is asking Congress to remove OSC's duty of policing state and local issues, so it can focus on federal cases.

    May 17, 2012
  • Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner sent a letter to President Barack Obama Tuesday, calling attention to reports of safety lapses at some U.S. commercial aviation facilities. She also criticized the Federal Aviation Administration for delays in responding to whistleblower disclosures.

    May 09, 2012
  • National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund chairman Craig Floyd and David Weisz from Motorola Solutions, join host Debra Roth to talk about 2012 National Police Week and the latest on the National Law Enforcement Museum. May 4, 2012

    May 04, 2012
  • The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp discussed the big issues in recruitment, hiring and retention with a panel of federal hiring experts.

    April 27, 2012
  • Experts say all the focus on Capitol Hill and within agencies will lead to better management and give more respect to whistleblowers. Carolyn Lerner, the head of the Office of Special Counsel, said the attention on the misdeeds of the Public Buildings Service would bolster the need for stronger ethics and integrity.

    April 20, 2012
  • A roundtable discussion of the events at this years' Public Service Recognition Week. April 20, 2012

    April 19, 2012
  • The American Federation of Government Employees has asked the Office of Special Counsel to investigate the case of a VA doctor who believes she was unfairly targeted by superiors due to her critical Senate testimony.

    April 17, 2012
  • Congress returns to session this week with a few short months to reach a budget resolution for the new fiscal year starting Oct. 1 and agree on how to avoid the automatic spending cuts of $1.2 trillion over the next decade that will be triggered Jan. 2, 2013, under the Budget Control Act debt limit deal. But don't expect much to get accomplished before the election, say budget experts.

    April 16, 2012
  • Not all claims of agency wrongdoing wind up with the agency IG's office. Some employees turn to the Office of Special Counsel, the independent investigative agency that acts under the authority of the Whistleblower Protection Act. OSC's relatively-low profile has grown since Carolyn Lerner, the head of the office, joined the agency about nine months ago.

    April 10, 2012
  • Charles De Sanno from the Department of Veterans Affairs and Booz Allen Hamilton's Ilene Yarnoff will talk about mobile apps and mobile security issues in the federal workplace. April 6, 2012

    April 06, 2012
  • Why is it that some federal workers will never retire? They plan to work till they drop, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Is it love of the job, patriotism, friends at work or is it the ex-spouse lurking out there?...

    April 05, 2012