Federal News Network


Expert Edition: Data Security

This exclusive e-book highlights what a few federal agencies are doing to tackle data security challenges and improve their cyber data posture.


Expert Edition: 5G

This exclusive e-book highlights the efforts today and what’s on the horizon by civilian and the military services in rolling out 5G infrastructure and devices to improve mission effectiveness


Executive Briefing Series: ZOOM Forward – Return to the Office

In this exclusive executive briefing, the following executives explore why it was critical to make meetings, and the entire hybrid work environment center around reaching the people where they are and not where you want them to be. 

Executive Briefing

Expert Edition: Disrupting the Kill Chain

This exclusive e-book highlights the ways agencies are seeking to disrupt, dismantle and limit the damage of cyber attacks.


Expert Edition: Repurposing Manpower Through Automation

This exclusive ebook details how some agencies are applying automation to their mission areas and finding better results.


Executive Briefing Series: Customer Experience

In this exclusive executive briefing, executives explore the factors that are important to improving customer experience.

Executive Briefing

Expert Edition: Cloud and Artificial Intelligence

This exclusive e-book highlights some of these different ways agencies are taking more advantage of AI and ML tools to help exceed mission expectations.


Expert Edition: Cloud for Data Protection & Disaster Recovery

This exclusive e-book highlights how agencies are defining the role of cloud services today and in the future, while also emphasizing the considerations for each of those decisions.


Expert Edition: Don’t Fear Hackers, Hire Them

This  highlights how the idea of a “good hacker” program began in the federal community and soon expanded once agencies started seeing the value and benefits.


Strategic Guidance Survey: Reskilling, Training and Retention

Federal News Network surveyed six agencies and one large government contractor about the continued development of their human resources programs.


Expert Edition: AI and the Power of Data

This exclusive e-book highlights challenges and opportunities that artificial intelligence is bringing the federal sector.


Expert Edition: Digital Investigations

This exclusive e-book offers a view into how several agencies and industry are working together to make sure data is accessible and valuable during investigations.
