NDAA gives agencies special funds for contractors dedicated to modernizing IT systems, cybersecurity, etc.
Larry Allen joined Federal Drive to talk about GSA's recent developments toward creating a governmentwide e-commerce portal.
The GSA is holding a public meeting next week. Larry Allen told the Federal Drive what to expect.
Angela Styles, former administrator for Federal Procurement Policy appears on Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss how new changes in acquisition rules will give contracting officers more flexibility, while helping small business get a bigger piece of the federal spending pie.
A congressionally-mandated study finds that although there has been an uptick in bid protests in recent years, no evidence exists that companies are filing them willy-nilly.
From Blockchain to cloud computing, agencies began working together to develop a digital road map to keep up with the ever-changing world of IT and mitigate threats
Seven House Democrats and five Republicans are asking President Donald Trump to consider giving all civilian federal employees the same 2.4 percent pay raise that military members are expected to get in 2018.
The 2018 defense authorization bill makes changes to immigration, child care and spouse licensing policies.
This week on Capitol Hill look for that conference report on the National Defense Authorization Act and more debate on tax reform.
In a special report, "Is splitting the security clearance process destined for failure?" Federal News Radio explores how a small provision in the 2018 defense authorization bill could have major repercussions on the background investigations backlog and could put the future of the National Background Investigations Bureau in question.
Lawmakers are authorizing a budget nearly $80 billion above the sequestration caps.
Roger Zakheim, partner at Covington & Burling LLP, joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf to discuss the National Technology and Industrial Base's role in promoting and leveraging commercial technology capabilities for the DoD's mission. October 31, 2017
The General Services Administration said it recognizes agency's concerns with the new Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract and has a team to help agencies release their solicitations.
The proposed rule should be out for public comment in the next 30-60 days.
The defense secretary gave Congress a list of grievances regarding the 2018 defense authorization bill.