U.S. President Barack Obama is asking government agencies to develop plans for five percent reductions in array of domestic programs, the White House said on Tuesday.
Is the oil spill in the Gulf the first true test of President Obama\'s management style?
The former leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro says if the U.S launched a nuclear strike against Iran, President Barack Obama would definitely win another term. In an opinion column published by Cuban state media, the reclusive Castro, says North Korea\'s recent sinking of a South Korean frigate is a good opening for the U.S. to launch an attack against the North Koreans. Castro also suggested that Mr Obama getting bad advice from his advisors.
Some Republican members of Congress are making an election-year pitch to reduce the Federal worker headcount, and save money. But would it really do that?
After days of days of promotion and preparation --the Obama administration has released its national security strategy. The document identifies what the administration calls four enduring U.S. national interests. 1)The security of the United States, its citizens, and U.S. allies and partners. 2) A strong, innovative, and growing U.S. economy that promotes opportunity and prosperity. 3) Respect for universal values at home and around the world. 4) And more international cooperation to meet global challenges.
The Senate has begun consideration of proposals to give the President a line-item veto over individual provisions in federal spending bills. The measures are designed to overcome shortcomings in a 1996 line-item veto bill which was declared unconstitutional.
When it comes to securing the nation\'s cybersecurity infrastructure, how do federal officials think of the future? One of the top cybersecurity officials at the Department of Homeland Security weighed in on the topic at the ISC2 SecureAmericas conference yesterday.
The White House says President Obama would use a new power to try to weed out earmarks such as water and sewer grants and road projects not requested by the administration.
Gay rights activists and Obama Administration officials have begun discussing a plan to speed up the repeal of Don\'t ask, Don\'t Tell, while giving the Pentagon years to implement new policies. Implementation of policy for gays serving openly would still require the approval of President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen. How long implementation might take is unknown.
If President Obama has his way, Congress will give him and his successors the authority to offer his own package of specific cuts to spending bills.
Mr. Obama will face a block of resistance, but should persevere.
The Senate is considering a $60 billion that incorporates $30 billion for President Barack Obama\'s troop surge in Afghanistan with more than $5 billion to replenish disaster aid accounts, provide Haitian earthquake relief, and make a down payment on aid to flood-drenched Tennessee and Rhode Island. The Associate Press reports the must-pass legislation is the only appropriations bill likely to advance to Obama\'s desk until the fall and is a tempting target for Democrats seeking to add money for a summer jobs program or to help to local school district to retain teachers.
Over a year ago, the U.S. Army, and other branches of the military, were experimenting with the use of the virtual worlds social media site \"Second Life\" as a recruitment tool. Since that time, the military has branched out into using virtual worlds technology as a tool for collaboration. Now, civilian branches of government are looking to do the same thing. Federal News Radio\'s Max Cacas has our exclusive coverage of the Third annual Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Conference, which concludes today at the National Defense University here in D.C..
President Barack Obama said Wednesday he was confident that U.S. troops could start to return home as planned from Afghanistan in July 2011 but he predicted a tough fight in the coming months. \"There is going to be some tough fighting,\" Obama said at a joint news conference with Afghan president Hamid Karzai,